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Currently, workflows can only be added to the Workflows in administration by the implementation team. Please contact the Account Manager or implementation consultant for more information on configuring custom workflows.

However, the User can configure existing workflows by going to Administration>Workflows.

In the grid the User will find the following columns:

  • Default: this identifies whether this is a default workflow for the application
  • Order No: This will determine the order if the workflow is in a list
  • Name: this is the title of the workflow
  • Location: this will identify whether the workflow is for a specific location or when no location is identified, all locations will have access.
  • Association: this is a description of the workflow
  • Created By: is the individual that set up the workflow
  • Created Date: is the date that the workflow is created in the system
  • Status: this can be set as Active or Inactive
  • Version: this is the version of the workflow
  • Details button: when the user clicks on this button, the workflow steps and workflow state are displayed. Select the details button to configure a workflow

Auditor Workflow Configurations

There are 4 configurations available for the Auditor Workflow:

  • Is Protocol tab Team Member required: This makes the assignment of protocols required to proceed.
  • Is Protocols tab Team Member Visible. This allows the assignment of Protocols to users with the proper security.
  • Prepopulate description and justification on Export To Tracker screen. This will prepoulate the recommendation export fields to values from the finding.
  • Is reason required on Cancellation to Auditor screen. This will require a reason for canceling an Audit.

Investigator Workflow Configurations

There are 6 configurations available for the Investigator Workflow:

Pre-populate Incident Types to description on Tracker Export.

  • Configure fields required to complete an incident
  • Configure fields required to complete an investigation
  • Configure tab data required to complete an investigation
  • Configure OI&I fields required to complete an incident
  • Configure fields required to add an OI&I case

Resolution Tracker Workflow Configurations

Under the Workflow Steps the User will find the following columns:

  • Step Number: this identifies the order of step in the workflow
  • Step Name: this will be the name of the step
  • Step Type: this will be the step type in the system
  • Activated by: this identifies what step needs to be completed before step becomes active

Under the Workflow states the columns are:

  • State Name: this identifies the status of the workflow
  • Activated By: is the step that needs to be completed to activate the state name

Configuring Auto-Complete

Configure Action and Post Start up Action Auto-Complete

The user now has the ability to configure action auto-complete. Once the last action has been closed or abandoned, the step will automatically complete and move forward in the workflow.

Use the following steps to configure the auto-complete for actions:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Workflows
  2. Select the REC, eMOC or MOC to configure auto-complete and click on the Details button
  3. The user will be presented with two windows "Workflow Steps" and "Workflow States".
  4. In the Workflow Steps under the column Step Name locate Action, check the box to the right of the Step Name in column Autocomplete.
  5. The step in the workflow has been set to suto complete. This can also be done to Post Startup Actions.

Configuring Auto-Complete for Approval

The user can configure the auto-complete step for approvals. Once the committee members have approved and the overall approval status is set, the user will click save and if the step is configured for auto-complete the workflow will move forward to the next step in the eMOC, MOC or REC.

To configure auto-complete for approval use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Workflows
  2. Select the REC, eMOC or MOC to configure auto-complete and click on the Details button
  3. The user will be presented with two windows "Workflow Steps" and "Workflow States".
  4. In the Workflow Steps under the column Step Name locate Approval, check the box to the right of the Step Name in column Autocomplete.
  5. The steps in the Standard MOC and the eMOC workflow that can be set to auto complete by using the drop down are:
  • Evaluation: When All Items are Closed or When All Required Items are Closed
  • Approval: Yes or No
  • Action: Yes or No
  • PSSR Items: When All Items are Closed or When All Required Items are Closed
  • Startup Approval: Yes or No
  • Post Startup Action: Yes or No
  • Closure Items: When All Items are Closed or When All Required Items are Closed

The steps in the Recommendation workflow are the following:

  • Approval: Yes or No
  • Action: Yes or No

Workflow Configuration

In addition to auto complete, VisiumKMS has Resolution Tracker Workflow Configuration items for the following:

  • Is Default: If selected, the workflow will appear as a radio button option when creating a new record. If unselected, the workflow will be in the drop-down list as a custom workflow.
  • Attachment Category Required: If selected, the category will be required in order t osave an attachment to all records in the workflow.
  • Target Start up Date must be before Target Closure Date: By default this is selected. If unselected, the user can enter a start up date that is before the target closure date.
  • Target Start-up must be in the future: If selected, the user will be prompted to enter a future date for this field.
  • Target Closure Date must be in the future: If selected, the user will be prompted to enter a future date for this field.
  • Always show Select Checklists screen before adding checklists: By default this is selected. If unselected, the user can bypass the Select Checklist screen.
  • Require reason for reopening a record: If selected, the user will be prompted to enter a reason when attempting to reopen a record..
  • Approval Comments Required: If selected, the comments on approval screens will be required regardless of the status of the approval.
  • Allow Checklist question to be mass closed: If selected, users will have a checkbox at the top of the checklist screens which allows them to select all items for closure.
  • Display Alternate reference instead of work request id: If selected, record identifiers will show in the format LLYYSSWW where LL = Location Code, 1-15 characters (Configured in Location Administration), YY = Year the record was created, SS=Sequence starting at 01 or AA(See item 11). and WW = Workflow Identifier (See item 15).
  • Alternate reference should ends with digits: If selected, workflow sequence will be numeric starting with 01. If unselected, sequence will be alpha starting with AA.
  • Child records inherit parent Alternate Ref: If selected, any child records selected within a record will inherit the parent record alternate Id with and child sequence. i.e. LLYYSSWW-001
  • Require reason for cancellation: If selected, users will be prompted for a reason when a record is cancelled.
  • Enable additional information: If selected, records in the workflow will have an Additional Info tab in the details area of the record.
  • Workflow Order Number: How the workflow is displayed in Resolution Tracker when Create New
  • Workflow Identifier: Used in Alternate reference numbers to identify the workflow(See item 10).
  • Autofill Target Closure Date with Initiation Date: If selected, the Closure date will be set based on the date the record is initiated + or - the days set.
  • Restrict Termination Date max value based on: If configured, the user will be unable to set the date outside of the criteria defined.
  • Restrict Expiration Date max value based on: If configured, the user will be unable to set the date outside of the criteria defined.
  • Autofill Target Closure Date: If configured, the target closure date will be populated at a certain step in the MOC workflow with number of days after the step is completed.
  • Autofill Target Startup Date: If configured, the target startup date will be populated at a certain step in the MOC workflow with number of days after the step is completed.
  • Autofill Actual Startup Date: If configured, the actual startup date will be populated at a certain step in the MOC workflow with number of days after the step is completed.

Required Fields

The User with the appropriate permissions can now add required fields to Resolution Tracker Proposal Details and determine at which step in the workflow the required field must be completed.

By default the following fields are currently required in Resolution Tracker Proposal Details:

  • Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Target Closure Date
  • Description
  • Justification

To add a required field do the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Workflow
  2. Click Add Required Field button
  3. Using the drop down, select the field to require (such as actual start up date)
  4. Using the drop down, select when the user should complete the required field (such as startup approval)
  5. If the user does not want a required field, use the trashcan icon to the right to delete
  6. Click the Save Workflow Configuration button in the upper left of the Workflow Configuraton panel to save the configuration.

Reorder Workflows in Tracker

The user can re order the workflows for Tracker by doing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration>Workflows
  2. Select the Name and click Details
  3. Under Workflow Configuration Select the Workflow Order Number
  4. Click Save Workflow Configuration

Autofill Dates

The user can set up Autofill Dates per workflow for MOCs.

  • Autofill Target Closure Date - will autofill the target closure date at a certain step in the MOC workflow with number of days after the step is completed.
  • Autofill Target Startup Date - will autofill the target startup date at a certain step in the MOC workflow with number of days after the step is completed.
  • Autofill Actual Startup Date - will autofill the actual startup date at a certain step in the MOC workflow with number of days after the step is completed.

To complete this, do the following:

Autofill Target Closure, Target Start-Up or Actual Start-Up Datewhen this step completes:

  1. Use the drop down to select a workflow step
  2. Use the + (days after the step completes) and enter a number
  3. Click Save Workflow Configuration.

Alternate Reference ID

To display an alternate Id for records in a workflow, an admin can set up alternate ID in the workflow configuration. The alternate ID is in the format LLYYSSWW where LL = Location Code, 1-15 characters (Configured in Location Administration), YY = Year the record was created, SS=Sequence starting at 01 or AA(See item 11). and WW = Workflow Identifier. To configure the ID:

  1. Open Administration>Workflows
  2. In the Workflow Configuration tab, select the following items:
  • Display Alternate reference instead of work request id
  • Alternate reference should ends with digits if you want a numerical sequence starting at 01, leave unchecked for alpha sequence starting at AA
  • Child records inherit parent Alternate Ref if you want the child records to inherit the parent identifier with a child sequence such as LLYYSSWW-001
  • Workflow Identifier used in the alternate id to identify the workflow of the record

If desired, Location Codes are configured per location in Administration>Locations