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Manage Role Based Security

On the Manage Role Based Security page, Groups and Roles (permissions) are assigned to Users to determine rights.. These groups and roles can be modified by going into the Manage Groups and Roles section on the Manage Role Based Security page. The following table defines the standard permission levels that can be used in Locations and Persons.

The asterisk mark (*) denotes a role that is dynamic. A dynamic role is defined as "the user will inherit permissions to complete the task". If the asterisk is not there, then the role will be static.

Role Based Security Token Definitions

Administration Token Definitions

Token NameToken Definition
Assign-Person-Location-GroupsAllows the Administrator the ability to assign person to locations and groups
Can save public searchesAllows the user to create, edit and save public searches
Can-Be-SupervisorAllows the user to be a person supervisor
Can View Risk IntelligenceAllows the user to see the following: Overview Icon, Risk Intelligence Module item and the Dashboard on the Home page (if defaulted to the Switchboard).
Can View SearchAllows the user to see the search icon and the ability to search.
Checklist-ViewAllows the user to add, edit, delete checklists
Copy BadgerMail TemplateAllows the user to copy a BadgerMail Template
DashboardAdminAllows the user to create, edit and delete dashboards
Delegate-AuthorityAllows the user to delegate assignments when gone
Download_TemplateAllows the user to download template in Resolution Tracker to quickly load recommendation records
Locations-ViewAllows the user to add and edit the location hierarchy
Manage-Audit-RankingAllows the user to add and edit the Audit Ranking Matrix
Manage-Audit-TemplatesAllows the user to view and configure the Audit Templates
Manage-BadgerMailAllows the user to configure and edit BadgerMails
Manage EquipmentWhen the user is added to any location, the user can add, edit and inactivate the equipment in Administration and in add equipment to Modules
Manage-Functional-RoleAllows the user to add, edit, delete functional and assign persons, locations and role based security to each role
Manage-Group-RolesAllows the user to add, edit, delete, and save groups in Role Based Security
Manage-ReportsAllows the user to add, edit, delete and create API links (API is a configurable item)
Manage-ResourcesAllows the user to localize (rename) labels, buttons and messages.
Manage-Risk-Assessor- MethodologiesAllows the user to add and edit Risk Assessor methodologies
Manage-Risk-MatrixAllows the user to configure the risk matrix
Manage-Role-TokensAllows the user to add, edit, and save roles in Role Based Security
OII-TreatmentProvider- ViewAllows the user to add OII Treatment Providers
Person-ViewAllows the user the add and edit Persons
Portal-UserAssigns a portal license to a user
Risk-Intelligence-UserAssigns a Risk IntelligencelLicense to a user
RoleBaseSecurity-ViewAllows the user to view Role Based Security in Administration
Selection-ViewAllows the user to add and edit the Selection libraries
SystemMaintenance- ViewAllows the user to add license keys, initialize keyword search and update languages
WorkFlows-ViewAllows the user to view the workflows and configure auto-complete in Resolution Tracker

Auditor Token Definitions

Token NameToken Definition
AUD-ApproveAllows the user to approve audits
AUD-Audit-PlanningAllows the user to create audit plans
AUD-Can-Approve-PlanAllows the user to approve audit plans
AUD-Can-Be-Program- OwnerAllows the user to be selected as program owner
AUD-Can-Be-Protocol-AssigneeAllows the user to be selected as a protocol assignee
AUD-Can-Be-Team- MemberAllows the user to be selected as team member
AUD-Can-Confirm-PlanAllows the user to confirm an audit plan
AUD-Can-Edit-FindingAllows user to edit the findings in the Finding tab of an audit
AUD-Can-Lead-AuditAllows the user to be selected as Lead Auditor
AUD-Can-Sponsor-AuditAllows the user to be selected as audit Sponsor
AUD-Can-View-AuditAllows the user to view audits
AUD-Can-View-Confidential- AuditAllows the user to view confidential audits
AUD-DenyAllows the user to deny the audit
Auditor-UserAssigns an Auditor license to the user
AUD-Manage-Audit- PlansAllows the user to create, edit or delete an audit plan
AUD-Proposal-AddAllows the user to create an audit record
AUD-Proposal-DeleteAllows the user to delete an audit record
AUD-Proposal-EditAllows the user to edit the available audit details
AUD-Proposal- SendForApprovalAllows the user to send the audit for approval
AUD-ReopenAllows the user to re-open an audit record
Can-Upload-Download- Audit-TemplateAllows the user to easily download the audit template and upload audits to the system through the use of an audit template

Investigator Token Definitions

Token NameToken DefinitionVersion Added
Add-TeamMemberAllows the user to add team members to an investigation
Add-New-Equipment-IncidentAllows the user to add Equipment directly in the incident Equipment Tab
Can-Be-Team-LeadAllows the user to be selected as Team Lead of an investigation
Can-Be-Investigator-Action-AssigneeAllows users to show up in the drop down for incident action12.23
Can-Be-Investigator-Checklist-AssigneeAllows users to show up in the drop down for incident checklists
Can-Cancel-InvestigationsAllows user to view and select the Cancel Investigation record option
Can-Edit-Incident-CriticalityAllows the user to edit the Incident Criticality field
Can-Edit-Injury-IllnessAllows the user to view and edit an injury illness
Can-Export-Recommendations-To-TrackerAllows user to export recommended actions into Resolution Tracker
Can-View-Injury-IllnessAllows the user to view the injury illness
CostConfidentialAllows the user to view confidential costs
Delete-Injury-CaseAllows the user to delete an injury case
Edit_Incident_Checklist_Question_ResponseAllows the user to edit checklist question responses12.25.1
Finalized ReportAllows the user to finalize (Report Issued) an investigation
Incident-CreateAllows the user to create an incident
Incident-EditAllows the user to edit incident details
Incident-View ReportAllows the user to view the incident and investigation report
Investigation-CompleteAllows the user to complete an investigation (send to for final approval)
Investigator-UserAssigns an Investigator license to the user
ReAssign-Responsibility-From-Inactive-To-ActiveAllows the user to change person assignments in Investigator
Record-ConfidentialAllows the user to view confidential records
Remove-TeamMemberAllows the user to remove a team member from an investigation
ReOpen-InvestigationAllows the user to re open a closed (Report Issued) investigation
Review-Close IncidentAllows the user to close an incident prior to an investigation being started
Review-Edit InvestigationAllows a user to edit investigation details
Review-Link to Exist IncidentAllows the user to link existing incidents to an investigation (functionality is not yet enabled)
Review-Reopen IncidentAllows the user to re-open a closed incident
Review-Start InvestigationAllows the user to start an investigation
Submit Incident for ApprovalAllows the user to submit an incident (Initial Approval) for or investigation for final approval

OII Activities Token Definitions

Token NameToken Definition
OII-Can-Give-First-AidAllows the user to appear in the drop down list for On site First Aid Treatment Given By
OII-Privacy-CaseAllows the user to edit and view privacy case(s)
Can-Edit-Oii-CaseAllows the user to view and edit an OII case in the OII Module
Can-View-Oii-CaseAllows the user to view the OIIcase in the OII Module
OII-UserAssigns an OII license to the user

Recurring Activities Token Definitions

Token NameToken Definition
Can-Download-TemplateAllows user to view and select to download the mass upload template for Recurring Activities
RACT-Reassign-OccurrenceAllows the user to reassign a task/recurring activity
RACT-Schedule-ActivityAllows the user to schedule a task/recurring activity
Recurring-Activities-UserAssigns a Recurring Activities license to the user

Resolution Tracker Token Definitions

Token NameToken DefinitionVersion Added
Action_Edit_AttachmentsAllows the user to add /edit attachments to an action
Action-AddAllows the user to add additional action (s)
Action-Complete-StepAllows the user to complete the action workflow step
Action-Edit-ItemAllows the user to edit fields in the actions assigned only to them excluding the description, target date, and assignee
Action-Edit-Target-DateAllows the user to edit the target date field of the action
Action-Set-ActioneeAllows the user to be assigned as an actionee
Action-Set-Required-ItemAllows the user to set attachment as a required item on an action
Action-Set-Status-To- AbandonAllows the user to set the action status to Abandon
Action-Set-Status-To- Awaiting-VerificationAllows the user to set the action status to Awaiting Verification
Action-Set-Status-To- ClosedAllows the user to set the action status to Closed
Action-Set-Status-To- ReopenAllows the user to reopen a closed action
Action-Set-VerifierAllows the user to select the verifier of an action
Action-VerifyAllows the user to verify the action
Action-View-ItemsAllows the user to view all actions assigned to them and someone else
Add-New-Equipment-TrackerAllows the user to add equipment not in the application in the tracker module
Approval-Add-Or- Remove-Committee- MembersAllows the user to add or delete committee members
Approval-Complete-StepAllows users to complete the approval step
Approval-Set-Approval- StatusAllows the user to set the approval status for a record
Approval-Set-JustificationAllows the user to add justification on the approval step
Approval-Set-Overall- Assigned-ToAllows the user to select the overall approver
Approval-Set-ResolutionAllows the user to select the resolution (if configured)
Approval-Set-Target- DateAllows the user to set the target date for the approval
Approval-View-StepAllows the user to view the approval step
Can be eMOC approverAllows the user to be selected from the list as an eMOC approver
Can be overall approverAllows the user to be assigned as Overall Approver (in Approval step) and Single Approver (in Startup Approval step)
Can Edit Expiration Date After DraftAllows the user to edit the Expiration date in the temporary details after the record leaves draft state
Can Edit Termination Date After DraftAllows the user to edit the Termination date in the temporary details after the record leaves draft state
Can Send Record BackAllows the user to send a record back for more information in an approval step to a specific step in the workflow.
Can_Activate_MOC_ From_RecAllows the user to activate an MOC from a REC
Can-Be-Action-AssigneeAllows the user to be selected as an action assignee
Can-Be-Checklist- AssigneeAllows the user to be assigned to a checklist item
Can-Be-Committee- MemberAllows the user to be assigned as a committee member
Can-Be-Responsible-PersonAllows the user to selected as responsible person for a record
Cancel-Tracker-Work- RequestAllows the user to cancel the record
Can-Upload-RecAllows the user to quickly upload RECs using the REC template
Can-View-ConfidentialAllows the user to view confidential records, view the confidential box and any associated drop downs.
Checklist-Add-ItemAllows the user to add additional checklist items
Checklist-Assign-ItemAllows the user to assign checklist items
Checklist-Close-ItemAllows the user to close a checklist items
Checklist-Complete-StepAllows the user to complete the checklist step
Checklist-Edit-ActionAllows the user to add/edit action at checklist step and select which step to send the action to (Action or Post Startup Action) for their checklist items.
Checklist-Edit-AttachmentsAllows the user to add/edit attachment (s) to a checklist item
Checklist-Edit-ResponseAllows the user to respond to checklist items12.25
Checklist-Edit-Worfklow-StepAllows the user to edit Workflow Step
Checklist-Mass-AssignAllows the user to mass assign checklist templates
Checklist-Reopen-ItemAllows the user to reopen a closed checklist item
Checklist-Select-ChecklistsAllows the user to select available checklists
Checklist-Set-Required ItemAllows the user to set checklist questions and attachments as required
Checklist-Set-Target- DateAllows the user to set checklist item target date
Checklist-View-ItemsAllows the user to view checklist items assigned to all checklist item assignees
Create-EMOCAllows the user to create an EMOC (Emergency MOC)
Edit_Attachments_Throughout_Workflowallows a user to edit or delete existing attachments or add new attachments in the proposal step during the entire workflow
Edit-Basis-Throughout-WorkflowAllows the user to edit the basis field in Resolution Tracker throughout the work flow
Edit-Equipment-Throughout-WorkflowAllows the user to edit the equipment tab in Resolution Tracker throughout the work flow
Edit-Priority-Throughout-WorkflowAllows the user to edit the priority field in Resolution Tracker throughout the work flow
Edit-RiskRanking-Throughout-WorkflowAllows the user to edit the risk ranking field in Resolution Tracker throughout the work flow
Proposal View Attachments TabAllows the user to view the attachment tab
Proposal-AcceptAllows the user to accept the record into the system
Proposal-AddAllows the user to add a record
Proposal-Can-AttachAllows the user to add attachment on the proposal step after the approval and throughout the record
Proposal-DeleteAllows the user to delete the record
Proposal-EditAllows the user to edit the record
Proposal-Edit_TitleAllows the user to edit the title of the record after approval step
Proposal-Edit-Target-Closure-DateAllows the user to edit the target closure date of the record after approval step
Proposal-Mass-DecisionAllows the user to accept/delete multiple records at one time
Proposal-SendForAcceptanceAllows the user to send the record for acceptance
Reopen-Approval-StepAllows the user to reopen closed approval steps
Reopen-StepAllows users to reopen closed steps in the workflow, reopen canceled records, and restore records on hold
Set Status On HoldAllows the user to set the record to Hold throughout the workflow
Tracker-Proposal-ViewAllows the user to view the record.
Tracker-UserAssigns a Resolution Tracker license to the user

Risk Assessor Token Definitions

Token NameToken Definition
Can-Be-Team-MemberAllows the user to be assigned as a team member
Can-Moderate-AssessmentAllows the user to be assigned as facilitator/ scribe for the assessment
RAS-ApproveAllows the user to approve the risk assessment
RAS-Conduct-BeginAllows the user to begin the Conduct step for a risk assessment
RAS-DenyAllows the user to deny a risk assessment
RAS-Proposal-AddAllows the user to add a risk assessment
RAS-Proposal-DeleteAllows the user to delete a risk assessment at Initial Approval
RAS-Proposal-EditAllows the user to edit the risk assessment
RAS-Proposal-Mass- DecisionAllows the user to approve multiple risk assessments at the same time
RAS-Proposal- SendForApprovalAllows the user to send the risk assessment for approval
RAS-ReopenAllows the user to reopen a closed risk assessment
RAS-View-ReportAllows the user to view risk assessor detailed reports