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Risk Matrix Frequency Type

Frequency Types are the different information that can be associated to a frequency value in the risk matrix.


The user needs to have the Admin group assigned to be able to configure frequency types. The Admin group can only be assigned from the database.

Configure Frequency Type

To configure the frequency types for your risk matrix do the following:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Selections
  2. Under the Risk Matrix header on the left navigation pane select “Frequency Type”
  3. Click Add Selection
  4. An item will be created in the selection tree named “New Selection”
  5. Click on the created item “New Selection”
  6. The localization and active flag will display.
  7. Make sure that the Active checkbox is selected or else the frequency type will not display in the risk matrix
  8. Click on the “Edit” button in the localization table for the language you want to configure.
  9. Update the “Display Value” and the “Description”
  10. The Display Value is the text that will appear as column or row headers in the risk matrix.
  11. Click the Update button to confirm your changes.

To configure the display values for each frequency value do the following:

Underneath the added Frequency Types you will see the frequency values displayed.

  1. Click on the first item
  2. Notice that the active and localization table will appear
  3. Click Edit on the language you want to modify
  4. Enter the Description text for that selected frequency value
  5. Click Update