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The user in VisiumKMS v12 now has the ability to localize labels, error messages and save messages. In this section the user will be given steps to localize labels, error messages and save messages. It is encouraged that an IT admin should have permissions to the Application Localization roles/tokens with those credentials do the localizations for the company or talk to the implementation project manager.

Add Application Localization

  1. Navigate to Administration > Resources
  2. Using the drop down, select the area to localize.
  3. Using the drop down, select the language.
  4. Type in the Customized Display Value.
  5. Click Save changes. The change will save.

The user will have to click F5 to refresh or log out and back in for the change to take effect.

Remove Application Localization

To remove the localization, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Resources
  2. Using the drop down, select the area to localize.
  3. Using the drop down, select the language.
  4. Backspace to clear the characters in the Customized Display Value.
  5. Click Save changes. The change will save.

The user will have to click F5 to refresh or log out and back in for the change to take effect.

Adding Tooltips

To add tooltips to Resolution Tracker Proposal Details, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Resources
  2. Using the drop down, select KMS.Portal.Globalization.Resources.Tracker
  3. Select ProposalToolTip Resource Key

Here are the following that can be set:

  • ProposalToolTip_ActualStartUpDate
  • ProposalToolTip_Basis
  • ProposalToolTip_Category
  • ProposalToolTip_Confidential
  • ProposalToolTip_Description
  • ProposalToolTip_EmergencyType
  • ProposalToolTip_EmocApprovers
  • ProposalToolTip_ExpirationDate
  • ProposalToolTip_Justification
  • ProposalToolTip_Priority
  • ProposalToolTip_ReasonForChangeExpirationDate
  • ProposalToolTip_ReasonForChangeTargetClosureDate
  • ProposalToolTip_ResponsiblePerson
  • ProposalToolTip_RiskRanking
  • ProposalToolTip_SuggestedFix
  • ProposalToolTip_TargetClosureDate
  • ProposalToolTip_TargetStartDate
  • ProposalToolTip_Temporary
  • ProposalToolTip_TerminationDate
  • ProposalToolTip_Title
  • ProposalToolTip_WorkOrderNumber
  1. In the Customized Display Value, type in the tool tip.
  2. Click Save Changes.