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Audit Ranking

Prior to using the Audit Plans in the Auditor Module, Audit Risk Ranking must be configured. In this section the user will learn how to set up the risk ranking.

Only one (1) Audit Ranking can be configured. The user must configure at minimum one row and one column for risk totals.

Add / Edit Audit Ranking

To add Audit Ranking, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration>Audit Ranking.
  2. If other languages have been configured, use the drop down to select the language.
  3. Click Add Column. A column will be inserted into the matrix.
  4. Click Add Row. A row will be inserted into the matrix and the category will be set as New Selection and importance will be set to 1.

Change Severity Number

To change the severity number in the column, click on the column number and either type in the number or use the up/down arrows to move by whole numbers.

Change Category Name

To Change the Category name from New Selection, click on the row New Selection, the user will be taken into the grid . Type a new category name.

Change Description

Click on the description in the row. Type in the description for the Category.

Change Importance

Click on the number in the importance column, type or use the up/down arrows to change the number.

Change Severity Types

Type in a concise description for each of the severity types Once the user has configured the audit ranking matrix, click the Save button.

Delete Columns or Rows

To delete a column or a row, click on the delete icon. The row or column will be removed. Click on the Save button to save the changes to the database.