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Manage Equipment

This provides users with greater flexibility when managing new equipment, and allows administrators to set up equipment that can be available to all locations as well as link equipment to a specific location.

Add Equipment

Navigate to Administration> Equipment. To add equipment, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on Add Equipment button, the fields to add the equipment will be displayed on the right side of the page
  2. Type the name of the equipment in the field Equipment Name(*) and Equipment Description

If there are multiple language, click the Globe to the right of the field to type in the equipment in the language.

  1. Click on the Location field to add to a specific location, select multiple locations or leave blank for global (across all facilities)
  2. Is Active box is by default checked and can be unchecked if the equipment is no longer used
  3. Using the drop down select the Equipment Type(*)
  4. Using the drop down select the Status (i.e. out of service, in service, etc.)
  5. Enter the equipment ID in the fields (this can be configured to allow three different identifications)
  6. Click Save to add the equipment to the application or click Cancel to exit the window

Edit Equipment

To edit the equipment follow these steps:

Navigate to Administration>Equipment

  1. Click on the row to modify, the equipment fields will be displayed on the right side of the page
  2. Modify any needed fields
  3. Click Save to update the equipment in the application