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Location Synonym

This defines types of locations such as Crude and Alky. By assigning synonyms this will allow the User to run reports on the same type of location in multiple facilities.

Add or Edit a Location Synonym

This is found in the Administration>Selections area under General. To add a location synonym follow the steps below.

To add a Location Synonym, the user will navigate to Administration>Selections.


This function can only be performed by permissions associated to an Administration token.

  1. In the left pane under General, select Location Synonym.
  2. Click on the Add Selection.
  3. A new entry will be in the list called "New Selection"
  4. Click on New Selection and a grid will be displayed.
  5. Click Edit - the user will have the ability to Change the Display Value.
  6. The user can also add a description to the Location Synonym
  7. Once the Display has been changed, click the update button. The Selection will be updated with the new display value in the list.
  8. The check box above the grid will set the new selection to Active when checked. If the box is unchecked, the selection is set as Inactive.
  9. Once the selections are in place, navigate to Administration>Locations
  10. Select the edit button next to the location to add a synonym
  11. Select the appropriate synonym from the drop down