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OII Checklists

VisiumKMS allows you to create OII Checklists that are used to determine whether or not any infractions to company principles or doctrine occurred which caused or contributed to the cause of the Injury or Illness.

Adding OI and I Checklist

When opening the OII Checklist, there are two distinct windows. The first would be having the ability to quickly add a Checklist by doing the following:

  1. To get to OII Checklist - go to Administration>Checklists and click on OII
  2. The page will open and the User will see fields under the Checklist header and a grid beneath.
  3. Enter a Location this can allow site specific checklist items.
  4. Enter a descriptive Title for the Template.
  5. Click Add
  6. The template will be in the grid below

The user can group the checklists by dragging and dropping a column header to the top row (6). It will group the checklist by Location, Title, Status and Version.

The checklist details will include additional information:

  • Version: the version of the checklist
  • Status: will be Draft, Active or Obsolete
  • Date Active: this will be the date that the checklist is promoted to - Active
  • Checkout By: this is who has the checklist out for edits
  • Created By: this is the person that created the checklist
  • Set Obsolete By: this is the person that set the checklist to obsolete
  • Checkout On: date that the checklist was checked out
  • Created On: date that the checklist was created
  • Set Obsolete On: date that the checklist was removed as obsolete