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Investigator Checklist

VisiumKMS allows you to create Investigator Checklists that are used to determine whether or not any infractions to company principles or doctrine occurred which caused or contributed to the cause of the Incident. These Checklists could include tenets, safe/unsafe practices, policies, or procedures.

If the checklist is not completed it is in draft form and questions or checklist items can be added until it is promoted and published.

Once published the user will need to Create New Draft to make changes to the existing checklist. Once the new draft is promoted the existing active checklist is obsoleted and the version on the draft will have the version number and become active. This ensures that the previous checklist in an MOC will remain the same. It gives the user and the company traceability for any "in kind" or "not in kind" checklists used.

If the user would like to use an existing checklist for another location, the Copy Checklist would be the easiest way to complete this task. By copying the checklist the user adds the existing checklist in the draft format. It is recommended that the user change the title and/or location. If the user does not do this, there will be a checklist that has the same title and location added (an additional checklist will be displayed based on the category selected) and it will be set at version 1.

The checklist can be grouped by location, checklist titel, statue or version. The checklists are also grouped in to panels. The checklist titles, to the Checklist template, and then the Checklist Questions for ease of use.

Select Administration>Checklists>Investigator

Adding Investigator Checklist

When opening the Investigator Checklist, there are two distinct windows. The first would be having the ability to quickly add a Checklist by doing the following:

  1. To get to Investigator Checklist - go to Administration>Checklists and click on
  2. The page will open and the User will see fields under the Checklist header and a grid beneath.
  3. Enter a Location this can allow site specific checklist items.
  4. Using the select include all incident types that are applicable
  5. Enter a descriptive Title for the Template.
  6. Click Add
  7. The template will be in the grid below and will have a draft as a status

The checklist details will include additional information:

  • Version: the version of the checklist
  • Status: will be Draft, Active or Obsolete
  • Date Active: this will be the date that the checklist is promoted to - Active
  • Checkout By: this is who has the checklist out for edits
  • Created By: this is the person that created the checklist
  • Set Obsolete By: this is the person that set the checklist to obsolete
  • Checkout On: date that the checklist was checked out
  • Created On: date that the checklist was created
  • Set Obsolete On: date that the checklist was removed as obsolete

Deleting A Checklist

Only Draft Checklist can be Deleted. To delete a draft checklist, locate the checklist and click the Delete Button location to the right of the Promote button. A confirmation window will open, if the user wishes to continue the deleting of a checklist click Ok.