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Attachment Category

This allows the User to see what the attachment category would be, for example a spreadsheets, document, presentation, etc.

Add or Edit an Attachment Category

This is found in the Administration>Selections area under General. To add a location synonym follow the steps below.

To add an Attachment Category:

  1. The user will navigate to Administration>Selections.

This function can only be performed by permissions associated to an Administration token.

With the standard KMS a category of drawings will always be in the selection list. If the user does not want to use this category uncheck the Active box.

  1. In the left pane under General, select Attachment Category.
  2. Click on the Add Selection.
  3. A new entry will be in the list called "New Selection"
  4. Click on New Selection and a grid will be displayed.
  5. Click Edit - the user will have the ability to Change the Display Value.
  6. The user can also add a description to the Attachment Category
  7. Once the Display has been changed, click the update button. The Selection will be updated with the new display value in the list.
  8. The check box above the grid will set the new selection to Active when checked. If the box is unchecked, the selection is set as Inactive.