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Manage Groups and Roles

In past versions of KMS, permissions were based on Levels. In the current version the permission levels are not at a high level or lower levels. The company can determine at what level they want users to have based on task.

There are two types of roles in the new version of KMS. The first is dynamic, it is set with specific permissions. Meaning that a person shall have that role to do their assignments. The second is a static role, it must be applied to the person for the person to have the ability to do those items that are related to the task.

The administrator can now easily add a new security role or security group if the one defined does not meet the company's role or group. However, the security tokens cannot create new token or remove tokens. The tokens are system defined.

Dynamic Security Roles

Role based security includes roles that are inherited by a user once an assignment is made. These security roles can be found in Administration>Manage Role Based Security. They are denoted by an asterisk. Ther eare default tokens assigned to these roles but they can be modified. Removing tokens from these roles impacts all users in the entire system with that assignment type.

  1. Select the dynamic role.
  2. Uncheck the desired token.
  3. Save Changes.

Add Security Role

The role based security has the flexibility to add additional Security Roles if the defined security roles does not fit the company current process. The security roles can be found in Administration>Manage Role Based Security. To add a security role use the following instructions

  1. Click the Add New Role.
  2. Type in the security role name.
  3. Click the Add Role button.

The security role is added to the bottom of the list and can now have security tokens associated to the role. To add a token to a role:

  1. Highlight the security role by clicking on the row. This will activate the check boxes for the security tokens.
  2. Check each box for the security token permissions.
  3. Click Save Changes button.

The Security Role and Security Tokens are ready for use.

Remove Security Tokens from a Security Role

To remove a security token from a Security Role the user will go to the Manage Role Based Security and use the following instructions.

  1. Select the role in which necessitates the removal of tokens
  2. Remove the check mark from the tokens
  3. Click Save Changes

This will remove the security token changing the user's access permissions.

Add a Security Group

The company's processes may have the need to add a security group. Only the static roles will be listed in the security role list that can be associated with a new group. This is also completed in the Administration>Manage Role Based Security Section. A Security Group can be added by the following steps:

  1. Click on the add new group button - a window will be displayed
  2. Enter the new security group name
  3. Click Add Group button
  4. The new security group will be on the bottom of the list
  5. Select the static security roles by checking the box. These security roles can be associated to a security token.
  6. Click Save Changes button.

Rename a Security Group

There are occasions where the security group may need to be renamed. This can be done quickly by the following method:

  1. Highlight by clicking on the row to be renamed
  2. Click on the Rename Group button, a window will open
  3. Enter the modified name
  4. Click the Rename Group button
  5. Click Save Changes to save the modified name to the database.

Delete a Security Group

The user has the capability to also delete a security group with proper permissions. The user can delete the group by:

  1. Select the group to delete by clicking on the name
  2. Click the Delete Group a confirmation window will be displayed
  3. If the user would like to continue with the deletion click OK, otherwise select Cancel. The window will close and the security group will be removed if the user answered OK or the security group will still be in the list if the user chose Cancel.