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Functional Roles

There are many times that companies use shift work and multiple people may be working on the same checklist items. The user can now set up functional roles, assign users and security groups.

Functional roles can be assigned to any security within tracker, recurring activities, and investigator just as any user can be. If a functional role is assigned, then the users who have that role will see it.


It may seem like you assign security to all modules, however, it does not mean it will respect it as it is not implemented for all modules. For example, the Risk Assessor and Auditor are not supported.

Here is a list of Modules and where the assignments of a functional role work:


  • RP
  • Checklist assignee
  • Action assignee
  • Committee Approver
  • Approver

Recurring Activities

  • Activity Assignee


  • Team Lead
  • Team Member

Add Functional Role

To add a functional role, the user should follow these steps:


The user will have the Administration security permissions and will navigate to Administration>Functional Roles (this will be located under Persons).

  1. Click Add Functional Role - a window will be opened.
  2. Enter the Description (*) - this will be the functional role name
  3. Select the Primary Location - the location in which the function will be performed
  4. Use the drop down to select the Status - the default Status is Active
  5. Select the Department
  6. Click OK

Add Users to Functional Roles

Once the functional role is added, the admin will need to add users. To add users use the following steps:

  1. Highlight the functional role added
  2. Using the check box, check each of the users to be mapped to the functional role - the Save Selections will become enabled
  3. Click Save Selections - a confirmation will be displayed. and the Save Selections button will be disabled

Add Security Groups to Functional Roles

To add Security Groups (permissions) to the Functional Roles follow this method:

Navigate to Administration>Functional Roles

  1. Click on the functional role
  2. Click on Edit Groups, a window will open Locations and Groups for the functional role name
  3. Find the location to add security groups and click the edit button, the user will be taken into the field
  4. Click on the field and select the security group to add to the click OK. The window will close and the user will be at the functional role screen.