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Locations in VisiumKMS v12 are hierarchical which means there is a top level, second level, third level and so on (sometimes called a tree view).

Locations can be marked as "Facilities". Facilities cannot be nested (if the top level location is marked as a Facility, then the second, third level and so on cannot be marked as a facility).

To move locations, the user can drag and drop the location, then click 'Save Order of Locations'.

Location Example

A Facility in Houston with two Locations Plant 1, and Plant 2. Plant 1 might have two nested locations of Administration Building and Training Building.

The following fields are considered legacy:

  • Location Code and Company are mapped from the ID in version 11.

The following have been changed in version 12:

  • The user can select more than one Synonym for each location. The Synonym field is used for reporting in version 12.
  • Longitude and Latitude coordinates have been added. These fields use DD (decimal degrees). and not DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)

Longitude and Latitude Example

The following shows the difference between DMS and DD for an address in Houston: DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds): Latitude N 29°34'56.121" and Longitude W 95°26'22.734" whilst the DD (decimal degrees): Latitude 29.5822559 and Longitude -95.4396486. The user will type in the DD (decimal degrees) in the GeoLocation field. To convert the DMS to DD the user should go to

Add Location

  1. Go to Administration>Locations
  2. Click Add Location button.
  3. Type the Location Name in the available field
  4. Click Add

The new location will be added to the grid.

Set Location as a Facility

  1. To set a location as a facility, click on Edit (Pencil Icon). The Edit location window will open and the user will see two tabs Location Details and Employees and Hours.
  2. Check the Facility check-box if the location is a facility (top level) and check the Active check-box if it is Active.
  3. The user can also set the Company, Address and Synonym(s). See Location Synonyms for an explanation the Synonym.
  4. Longitude and Latitude are used in conjunction with the Risk Intelligence GeoAnalysis. The format used for the fields is DD (decimal degrees).
  5. Classification these fields are used in OSHA Reporting Forms 300 and 300A.
  6. Click the tab Employees and Hours. This allows the user to add the number of employees and the number of hours per month. This is also used for OSHA reporting Form 300A
  7. Click OK. The Facility icon will be present in the grid if this was set up as a Facility.

Add Child Location

  1. Go to Administration>Locations
  2. Click on a location
  3. Click Add Child Location button.
  4. In the field of the Add Location box, type the Child Location Name.
  5. Click Add
  6. The new child location is added under the parent location in the grid.
  7. To add details of the location, click on Edit
  8. Click the check-box if it is an Active location.
  9. The user can also set the Company, Address and Synonym(s). See Location Synonyms for an explanation the Synonym.
  10. Longitude and Latitude are used in conjunction with the Risk Intelligence GeoAnalysis. The format used for the fields is DD (decimal degrees).
  11. Classification these fields are used in OSHA Reporting Forms 300 and 300A.
  12. Click the tab Employees and Hours. This allows the user to add the number of employees and the number of hours per month. This is also used for OSHA reporting Form 300A
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click the Clear Selection button to add a Parent Location.

Edit Location

To edit a location the user selects the location to be edited.

  1. Click Edit button
  2. Update the information
  3. Click OK.

The grid will update.

Make Location Inactive

To make a location inactive (so that it will not be displayed for selection):

  1. Click the Edit button
  2. Uncheck the Active check box
  3. Click OK

The star icon will be removed from the grid to indicate that the location is no longer active.

Moving Locations

To move a location, the user will click on the row and while holding the left mouse button down, move the location to beneath or above another location that is not a facility. To move the location back to the first tree position, drag and drop the location on the Name header.

Clear Selections

When adding child locations, it may become necessary to add a parent location. To change the Add Child Location back to Add Location click the Clear Selection. It will reset the buttons to enable the user to add another parent location.

If the user tries to save a location that is a facility under another facility, an error message will be displayed "Your changes would have created nested facilities"

When the user is done moving the locations, click Save Order or Locations button. This will save the user's order in the database.

Default Staff Members

VisiumKMS is used for selection of approvers for an MOC or REC, and team members for Auditor and Risk Assessor.

The user clicks the Edit Default Staff Members (icon with people), to set approval committee members or individual approver by role or by person, Risk Assessor Team Members and Audit Team Members.

  1. The left-hand grid shows the Workflow and the Workflow step it is associated with.
  2. The right-hand grid shows the Name of the person and job title.

The user must have the Admin Security or Facility Admin permissions to add locations.