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Manage Reports

Rather than create a number of generic standard reports, KMS provides functionality which enables your company to create Ad Hoc Reports which meet reporting requirements which may be specific for only your company.

In order to meet the needs of our clients, we have chosen not to include standard reports but instead provide a method of allowing each company to create their own reports based on their own reporting requirements. This is accomplished by including the Manage Reports. Included are standard Reports views.

Fields available in the Add Report


The title of the report


Folder is a select list to place you newly created report in a specific folder and that folder will be displayed under Reports


The view is the columns in a specific module

Available Columns

Are columns available to be selected to be in the report

Selected Columns

Those selected columns that will be displayed in the report

Display Options

  • Column Only - will display the information in the report
  • Filter Only - will filter on the information but not displayed in the report
  • Column and Filter - will display the information that has been filtered in the report

Filter Type

  • Select - this allows the user to select from a drop down
  • Text - allows the user to type in a specific word
  • Date/Time - allows the user to select from a graphical calendar a specific date

Add Report

To add a report use the following steps:

  1. On the Menu bar select Administration
  2. Click on Reports
  3. Click Add Report
  4. Click the [+] left of the Title to expand the field
  5. Enter the name of the report in the Title(*) field.
  6. Click in the Folder field and select the folder where the report will be displayed
  7. Using the drop down Select the View
  8. Select the columns from available columns
  9. Move them over using the arrow buttons
  10. The columns will be moved and the user can select the Display Option using the drop down
  11. The Filter Type will be selected using the drop down.
  12. Click Save Report.

Edit Report

To Edit an existing report, do the following:

  1. Go to Administration
  2. Click on Reports
  3. Click the Edit icon (the pencil)
  4. The report will open in the Edit Report window
  5. Make any modifications to the columns, display options and the filter type
  6. Click Save Report. The report will be updated with the new modifications.

Delete Report

Do the following to delete a report:

  1. Go to Administration
  2. Click on Reports
  3. Click the Delete icon (the trash can)
  4. Confirm Deletion window will open. If the user would like to continue with deleting the report click Confirm, otherwise click Cancel.

View and Export Report

To view and export the report, use the following steps:

  1. Click on Reports on the menu bar
  2. Select the folder and report title created
  3. Enter the text filter (if any are present)
  4. Use the drop down to pick a select filter (if any are present)
  5. Use the graphical calendar icon to select a date/time filter
  6. Click Run Report
  7. The report can be exported in the following formats: CSV, XML and XLS
  8. The grid will hold the results of the report. These results can be filtered and sorted if a filter icon is displayed.

Exporting Data to Reporting Tools

Users can extract data from VisiumKMS and import this data into reporting tools such as Power BI and Tableau. When a user with proper permissions (Manage-Reports token), creates a report a link can be created to send to recipients via email. With this link and expiration date may also be set. Once the expiration date has passed, the report will no longer be accessible. When the recipient receives the link, the recipient may copy and paste the link into the reporting tool and view the data. This is a configurable option and may be turned on or off.

To create a link follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to Administration>Manage Reports
  2. Click on the link icon that is located to the right of the delete icon.
  3. A window will open Edit Report Links - [Title of the Report]
  4. Click on Add Report Link
  5. Enter a description
  6. Use the drop down to select the reporting Tool
  7. Click on the Expiration Date field to change the date
  8. Click Save

Starting with version 12.24, PowerBI API option now returns JSON as output increasing performance.


PowerBI Desktop has a caching limitation of how much data it can ingest from API links. If you are getting timeouts in PowerBI, you can paste the API link into the URL field of the browser, download JSON, and then open JSON with PowerBI locally.

If the user selects other for the reporting Tool the report will use a .csv format.

Share Report

The user can configure the following when sharing a report:

  • Users: Who will see the report
  • Locations: What locations will see the report or
  • Security Groups: Only users with certain permissions can see the report.

Users Tab

The default for the Users is Everyone. To configure the Users that can see the report follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Reports
  2. Select a report that was created and click the edit button
  3. Collapse the Set Columns and Filters by clicking on the - to the left of the header
  4. The Report Sharing panel is displayed and three tabs will be available with the User tab will be displayed and have three columns (Everyone, Users, Job Titles). The default radio button highlighted is Everyone.
  5. Click the radio button Users
  6. Check the boxes for the Users to see the report - the tab will display the number of users selected for this report

If the Report Sharing panel is collapsed - click the + to the left of the header.

Job Titles

Select the job titles the same way as selecting the Users. The check boxes will be marked and the User tab will display the number of job titles selected.


To configure the locations that can see the report and the users can also be configured for the location. Follow these steps to configure the locations:

  1. Click on the Locations tab. The default for locations is Everywhere.
  2. Click the radio button Selected Locations.
  3. To expand the location hierarchy, click the plus sign to the left of the Name.
  4. Check the box to include location - the number of locations selected will be displayed on the tab.

If the top parent location is selected all child locations will be marked as well. If the user does not want a child location, the user may uncheck the box.

Security Groups

Persons in certain security groups can also be configured to see a report. At the same time the security group is configure, the users and locations could be configured to go along with the security group. The Security Group default is set at "Ignoring security groups".

To configure security groups follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Security Groups tab
  2. Click the radio button Use the selected security groups
  3. Check each box security group
  4. The number of security groups selected will be displayed on the Security Groups tab

Setting Pre-Defined Filters for Reports

Reports can have pre-defined filters used to set up Locations, Open records. To generate a report with filters already in place. This is similar to the Column Filters.

To set Pre-Defined filters follows these steps:

  1. When adding a Report, set the selected columns to Column and Filter or Filter
  2. Set the Filter Type as Text
  3. Expand the Filter Defaults
  4. Select the Operator Contains
  5. Type in the Value

When the user navigates to the Reports in the header bar and opens the report it will look like this. The pre-defined values are already in the fields. All the user will need to do is click the Run Report. The results are returned.