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Manage Treatment Providers

In order to record and track treatment information, OII provides a library of Treatment Providers. Treatment providers include clinics, hospitals, physicians and outpatient facilities.

To access this library, select Administration>Manage Treatment Providers.

Add Treatment Provider

To add a treatment provider use the following instructions:

  1. Click Add Provider. A window will be displayed.
  2. Using the drop down select a provider type
  3. Health Care Provider
  4. Offsite Facility
  5. Physician
  6. Enter the Name(*) of the provider
  7. Enter Address Line 1
  8. Enter Address Line 2
  9. Enter the City
  10. Enter the State/Province/Region
  11. Enter the Zip/Postal Code
  12. Enter the County
  13. Enter the Phone Number
  14. Click OK. The window will close and the provider will be in the grid.

Edit the Treatment Provider

Once a treatment provider is entered into the library, there may be a need to update or modify that provider. To do this navigate to Administration>Manage Treatment Providers.

Click the Edit button to the right of the phone number of the provider to modify. A window will open and the user can make any modification necessary. Click OK and the record will be updated.