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Report Views

VisiumKMS comes with the following views available. A report can be built on each view to display the desired information. A report can not be built with data from multiple views. If that combination is desired, a custom view will be required.

Administrator Views


This view can be used to create a report based on every person that exists in the application. It can be filtered by the following columns listed below:

  • Employee Id
  • Job Title
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Full Name
  • User Name
  • Email
  • Primary Location
  • Supervisor
  • Status
  • Single Sign on
  • Single Sign on Id
  • Department
  • User Type
  • Delegation Assignments


  • Module
  • Checklist Type
  • Location
  • Checklist Name
  • Checklist Required
  • Question Target Date
  • Days Offset
  • Categories
  • Version
  • Status
  • Creation Date
  • Created By
  • Date Active
  • Date Obsolete
  • Parent Question ID
  • Parent Responses
  • Question ID
  • Question Text
  • Response Type
  • Responses
  • Question Required
  • Attachment Required
  • Assign To Type
  • Assign To Value
  • Action Text
  • Action Assignee
  • Action Target Date
  • Action Target Date Offset
  • Action Attachment Required


  • Module
  • Location
  • Checklist Name
  • Incident Type
  • Version
  • Status
  • Creation Date
  • Created By
  • Date Active
  • Date Obsolete
  • Parent Question ID
  • Parent Responses
  • Question ID
  • Question Text
  • Response Type
  • Responses
  • Question Required


  • Module
  • Location
  • Checklist Name
  • OSHA Recordable
  • Version
  • Status
  • Creation Date
  • Created By
  • Date Active
  • Date Obsolete
  • Parent Question ID
  • Parent Responses
  • Question ID
  • Question Text
  • Response Type
  • Responses
  • Question Required

Resolution Tracker Views


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Record Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Action Description
  • Comments
  • Action Status
  • Action OpenClosed
  • Target Date
  • Action Past Due
  • Days Past Due
  • Assigned To
  • Assigned To Department
  • Assigned To Supervisor
  • Created On
  • Closure Date
  • Closed By
  • Verified By
  • Attachment Required
  • Percent Complete
  • Action Cost
  • Work Order
  • Resolution
  • Action Step
  • Originating Checklist
  • Originating Question
  • Work Request Type
  • Workflow Name
  • Workflow Step
  • Step Complete
  • Step Completed On
  • Step Completed By
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Action ID
  • Location Full Path
  • Refresh DT
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due
  • Source


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Record Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Approval Target Date
  • Approval Assigned To
  • Resolution
  • Justification
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Closure Comments
  • Approval Last Modified Date
  • Approval Last Modified By
  • Committee Member
  • Committee Member Status
  • Committee Member Comments
  • Workflow Name
  • Workflow Step
  • Step Complete
  • Step Completed On
  • Step Completed By
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Refresh DT
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Record Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Approval Target Date
  • Approval Assigned To
  • Resolution
  • Justification
  • Approval Status
  • Approval Closure Comments
  • Approval Last Modified Date
  • Approval Last Modified By
  • Workflow Name
  • Workflow Step
  • Step Complete
  • Step Completed On
  • Step Completed By
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Record Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Checklist Title
  • Checklist Version
  • Checklist Question No
  • Question_DBID
  • Question Text
  • Question Responses
  • Question Assigned To
  • Question Target Date
  • Question Status
  • Question Closure Date
  • Question Closed By
  • Question Past Due
  • Days Past Due
  • Question Creation Date
  • Question Required
  • Attachment Required
  • Question Comments
  • Actioned Step
  • Action Assigned To
  • Action Text
  • Assigned To Department
  • Assigned To Supervisor
  • Workflow Name
  • Workflow Step
  • Step Complete
  • Step Completed On
  • Step Completed By
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Refresh DT
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due


  • Facility
  • Location
  • Reference Number
  • Person Making Change
  • Date of Change
  • Workflow Type
  • Workflow Name
  • Step Name
  • Field ID
  • Field Name
  • Old Value
  • New Value
  • Change Comment
  • Description
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Refresh DT
  • Alternate ID


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Location Supervisor
  • Location Synonym
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Title
  • Source
  • Initiator
  • Responsible Person
  • Priority
  • Work Order Number
  • Description
  • Justification
  • Risk Ranking Choice
  • To Be Severity Type
  • To Be Severity
  • To Be Frequency
  • To Be Risk Rank
  • As Is Severity Type
  • As Is Severity
  • As Is Frequency
  • As Is Risk Rank
  • Date Initiated
  • Target Closure Date
  • Target StartUp Date
  • Actual StartUp Date
  • Closure Date
  • Record PastDue
  • Days Past Due
  • Categories
  • Basis
  • Suggested Fix
  • Is Temporary
  • Termination Date
  • Expiration Date
  • RP Department
  • Workflow Name
  • Work Request Type
  • Proposal Step Completed On
  • Proposal Step Completed By
  • EMOC Approvers
  • Emergency Type
  • Parent Record
  • Child Records
  • Facility
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due
  • Annual ROI
  • Cost to fix
  • Currency (Cost to fix)
  • Cost to do nothing
  • Currency (Cost to do nothing)
  • Child Records Alt ID


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Record Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Checklist Title
  • Checklist Version
  • Checklist Question No
  • Question_DBID
  • Question Text
  • Question Responses
  • Question Assigned To
  • Question Target Date
  • Question Status
  • Question Closure Date
  • Question Closed By
  • Question Past Due
  • Days Past Due
  • Question Creation Date
  • Question Required
  • Attachment Required
  • Question Comments
  • Actioned Step
  • Action Assigned To
  • Action Text
  • Assigned To Department
  • Assigned To Supervisor
  • Workflow Name
  • Workflow Step
  • Step Complete
  • Step Completed On
  • Step Completed By
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Refresh DT
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Record Title
  • Responsible Person
  • Record Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Checklist Title
  • Checklist Version
  • Checklist Question No
  • Question_DBID
  • Question Text
  • Question Responses
  • Question Assigned To
  • Question Target Date
  • Question Status
  • Question Closure Date
  • Question Closed By
  • Question Past Due
  • Days Past Due
  • Question Creation Date
  • Question Required
  • Attachment Required
  • Question Comments
  • Actioned Step
  • Action Assigned To
  • Action Text
  • Assigned To Department
  • Assigned To Supervisor
  • Workflow Name
  • Workflow Step
  • Step Complete
  • Step Completed On
  • Step Completed By
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Split Workflow Name
  • Refresh DT
  • Alternate ID
  • Days Until Due


  • Reference Number
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Location Supervisor
  • Record Status
  • Title
  • Source
  • Initiator
  • Responsible Person
  • Work Order Number
  • Description
  • Justification
  • Date Initiated
  • Target Closure Date
  • Target StartUp Date
  • Actual StartUp Date
  • Closure Date
  • Record PastDue
  • Days Past Due
  • Workflow Name
  • Work Request Type
  • Facility
  • Alternate ID

Investigator Views


  • Incident ID
  • Incident Status
  • Initiated Date
  • Incident Initiated By
  • Investigation Open
  • Record Open Closed
  • Company
  • Location
  • Location Supervisor
  • Record Title
  • Incident Date and Time
  • Incident Type
  • Incident Summary
  • Incident Details
  • Immediate Corrective Actions
  • Department
  • Operating Phase
  • Contractor Involved
  • Incident Severity
  • Risk Ranking
  • Incident Closed On
  • Incident Closed By
  • Submitted For Approval Date
  • Submitted For Approval By
  • Onsite Worker Deaths
  • Onsite Contractor Deaths
  • Onsite Responder Deaths
  • Onsite Public Deaths
  • Onsite Worker Injuries
  • Onsite Contractor Injuries
  • Onsite Responder Injuries
  • Onsite Public Injuries
  • Onsite Property Damage
  • Onsite Product Loss
  • Onsite Environment Clean up
  • Offsite Fatalities
  • Offsite Hospitalized
  • Offsite Receiving other Treatment
  • Offsite Evacuated
  • Offsite Sheltered in Place
  • Offsite Property Damage
  • Offsite Product Loss
  • Offsite Environment Clean up
  • Offsite Environment Damage
  • Total Incident Cost
  • Chemicals
  • Weather Status
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Dew Point
  • Wind Speed
  • Wind Direction
  • Visibility
  • Stability Class
  • Weather Description
  • Notifications
  • Attachment Count
  • Equipment
  • Investigation Created On
  • Investigation Created By
  • Investigation Status
  • Investigation Finalized by
  • Submitted Final Approval
  • Investigation Start Date
  • Target Report Date
  • Investigation End Date
  • Actual Report Date
  • Team Lead 1
  • Team Lead 2
  • Team Members
  • Witnesses
  • Methodology
  • Root Causes
  • Lessons Learned
  • Incident Incurred Costs
  • Recommendations
  • Exported RECs
  • Total INC REC Count
  • Total INC Exported REC Count
  • Facility
  • Location Synonym
  • Location Full Path
  • Refresh DT


  • Incident ID
  • Incident Open Closed
  • Incident Status
  • Initiated Date
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Incident Title
  • Incident Date Time
  • Incident Type
  • Incident Summary
  • Incident Details
  • Incident Closed On
  • Checklist ID
  • Checklist Title
  • Checklist Version
  • Checklist Question No
  • Question_DBID
  • Question Text
  • Assigned To
  • Question Responses
  • Question Comment
  • Question Date Response


  • Incident ID
  • Incident Open Closed
  • Action Status
  • Description
  • Comments
  • Assigned To
  • Closure Date
  • Location


  • Incident ID
  • Incident Open Closed
  • Incident Status
  • Initiated Date
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Incident Title
  • Incident Date Time
  • Incident Type
  • Incident Summary
  • Incident Details
  • Incident Closed On
  • Chemical
  • Chemical UN Dangerous Goods Hazard Class or Grouping
  • PSM Tier 1 Outdoor Threshold Quantity
  • UNDG Code
  • CAS No
  • Discharge Air
  • Discharge Air UOM
  • Discharge Water
  • Discharge Water UOM
  • Discharge Ground
  • Discharge Ground UOM
  • Total Amount of Chemical
  • Total Amount of Chemical UOM
  • Weight percent Toxics Only
  • Duration
  • Duration UOM
  • Acute 1-hr Release
  • Acute 1-hr Release Quantity UOM
  • Comments

Occupational Illness & Injury Views


  • Incident ID
  • Incident Date Time
  • Incident Summary
  • Incident Type
  • Incident Title
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Case Number
  • WR_Period
  • WR_Type
  • WR_Number
  • Injury_Details
  • Treatment_Description
  • Last_Name
  • First_Name
  • Job_Title
  • Location_ID
  • Event_Time
  • Work_Day_Beginning
  • OSHA_Recordable
  • Internal_Classification
  • Weather_Status
  • Injury_Type
  • Event_Location
  • Death_Time
  • Permanent_Transfer_Date
  • First_Lost_Work_Date
  • Last_Lost_Work_Date
  • Estimated_Lost_Work_Days
  • Actual_Lost_Work_Days
  • First_Restricted_Duty_Date
  • Last_Restricted_Duty_Date
  • Estimated_Restricted_Duty_Days
  • Actual_Restricted_Duty_Days
  • Return_To_Work_Date
  • Termination_Date
  • Pre_Event_Description
  • Event_Description
  • Ailment_Description
  • Direct_Harm_Description
  • Treamment_Provider_ID
  • Treatment_Facility_ID
  • Treatment_Physician_ID
  • Was_Employee_Treated
  • Was_Emplyee_Hospitalized
  • Onsite_First_Aid_By
  • Onsite_Treatment_Date
  • Onsite_Treatment_Description


  • Incident ID
  • Incident Date Time
  • Incident Summary
  • Incident Type
  • Incident Title
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Case Number
  • WR_Period
  • WR_Type
  • WR_Number
  • Injury_Details
  • Treatment_Description
  • Last_Name
  • First_Name
  • Job_Title
  • Location_ID
  • Event_Time
  • Work_Day_Beginning
  • OSHA_Recordable
  • Internal_Classification
  • Weather_Status
  • Injury_Type
  • Event_Location
  • Death_Time
  • Permanent_Transfer_Date
  • First_Lost_Work_Date
  • Last_Lost_Work_Date
  • Estimated_Lost_Work_Days
  • Actual_Lost_Work_Days
  • First_Restricted_Duty_Date
  • Last_Restricted_Duty_Date
  • Estimated_Restricted_Duty_Days
  • Actual_Restricted_Duty_Days
  • Return_To_Work_Date
  • Termination_Date
  • Pre_Event_Description
  • Event_Description
  • Ailment_Description
  • Direct_Harm_Description
  • Treamment_Provider_ID
  • Treatment_Facility_ID
  • Treatment_Physician_ID
  • Was_Employee_Treated
  • Was_Emplyee_Hospitalized
  • Onsite_First_Aid_By
  • Onsite_Treatment_Date
  • Onsite_Treatment_Description
  • Checklist ID
  • Checklist Title
  • Checklist Version
  • Checklist Question No
  • Question_DBID
  • Question Text
  • Question Responses
  • Question Comment
  • Question Date Response

Auditor Views


  • Reference Number
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Title
  • Prefix
  • Audit Type
  • Finding Reference ID
  • Rec Action Reference ID
  • Rec Action Description
  • Rec Action Target Date
  • Rec Action Assigned to
  • Rec Action Status
  • Rec Assigned to
  • Rec Target End Date
  • Rec Description
  • Rec Reference ID
  • Rec Status


  • Reference Number
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Initiator
  • Initiation Date
  • Status
  • Record OpenClosed
  • Title
  • Prefix
  • Audit Type
  • Target Start Date
  • Target End Date
  • Department
  • Audit Ranking
  • Must Do
  • Lead Auditor
  • Audit Sponsor
  • Projected Man Days
  • Actual Man Days
  • Scope
  • Executive Summary
  • Next Audit Date
  • Audit Completion Date
  • Draft Report Date
  • Final Report Date
  • Audit Approval On
  • Audit Approval By
  • Audit Conduct Completed On
  • Audit Conduct Completed By
  • Audit Final Approval On
  • Audit Final Approval By
  • Total Team Member Count
  • Total Attachment Count
  • Total Protocol Count
  • Total Audit Findings Count
  • Total Rec Count
  • Team Members
  • Exported RECs
  • Audit Year
  • Location Address

Recurring Activities


  • Reference ID
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Title
  • Description
  • Facility
  • Location
  • Location Full Path
  • Checklist
  • Category
  • Regulations
  • Status
  • Assigned To
  • Comments
  • Work Order No
  • Action Priority
  • Action Cost
  • Percent Complete
  • Completed On
  • Completed By


  • Location
  • Modification Date
  • Modified By
  • Modification Type
  • Field Change
  • Changed To
  • Changed From
  • Activity Title
  • Description
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Recurrance
  • Assignee