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12.25.3 (Current) - August 23, 2024


  • Resolution Tracker Reverted change that prevented more than one step to be open when adding Split workflow and now it repsects the normal workflow logic


  • VKMS-1708 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where, default committee members not getting populated on split workflows
  • VKMS-1694 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where, actions are not copied to child record
  • VKMS-1676 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where, sometimes actions created in checklist evaluations questions are not being created properly
  • VKMS-1671 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where, reopening an extended pssr step that generated an extended pssr could result in breaking the record
  • VKMS-965 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where, some customers where getting error messages on the final approval of MOC
  • VKMS-1678 Search Fixes an issue where, Where searching for Action , PSSR or Evaluation in Tracker with Date Range Type is cleared or set to Initiated Date would return no results
  • VKMS-1345 Search Fixes an issue where, sorting with Initiation Date sometimes not ordering properly
  • VKMS-1692 VKMS-1688 Investigator Fixes an issue where, layered questions in Investigator checklists will not save.
  • VKMS-1546 Investigator Fixes an issue where, Where some users are not showing up as Team members in investigation

12.25.2 - July 2, 2024


  • Improved record loading and saving times in Investigator
  • Improved record loading and saving times in Resolution Tracker
  • In Checklist Administration, obsolete checklists are now hidden by default
  • In Investigator, you can now capture chemical flare releases under the Chemicals tab


  • VKMS-1666 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where, if an action's workflow step was reassigned on an action step, the action item would no longer appear
  • VKMS-1660 VKMS-1662 VKMS-1663 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where the split workflow locks up if steps are completed out of order
  • VKMS-1659 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where actions would not export into REC from Risk Assessor
  • VKMS-1653 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where Default Committee members were not populating on 12.25.1
  • VKMS-1586 Search Fixes an issue where last saved search broke the keyword search. Now user has the ability to clear the search before the search commences
  • VKMS-1652 Investigator Fixes an issue where exported incident recommendations would not create actions
  • VKMS-1551 Investigator Adds better error messaging for when the investigation start date coincides with the investigation target report date
  • VKMS-1488 Auditor Fixes an issue with the change location feature wasn't functioning on any records exported from audits
  • VKMS-1482 Login Fixes an issue where inactive user can still log in using SSO
  • VKMS-1644 Badgermail Fixes an issue where hyperlinks still displayed formatting issues when used with tags


12.25.1 - June 4, 2024


  • The icons have been refreshed to a more modern style
  • Special characters are now permitted in names when uploading attachments
  • Resolution Tracker a new icon indicates a split workflow in the Workflow Steps
  • Resolution Tracker when adding a split workflow to a different step than the immediate, only one step is active at a time
  • Resolution Tracker the inactive/unavailable steps do not have an empty circle next to them


  • VKMS-1411 Investigator Fixes an issue where the INV_Chemicals view did not pull the CAS Number column.
  • VKMS-1583 Investigator Fixes an issue where actions could not be saved on an investigator without refreshing the page
  • VKMS-1585 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where an action step could not be completed without first adding an action
  • VKMS-1589 Investigator Fixes an issue where changing the date column on the actions tab did not trigger a change to be saved
  • VKMS-1590 Administrator Fixes an issue where the workflow step values are displayed in a different language
  • VKMS-1591 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where the split workflow was not being inserted at the specified step
  • VKMS-1600 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where the nested split workflow could not be inserted
  • VKMS-1604 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where TRK_Checklist_RT_View was not displaying functional roles assigned
  • VKMS-1609 VisiumKMS Fixes an issue where attachments with special characters could not be opened post 12.24
  • VKMS-1614 Investigator Fixes an issue that prevented non-admin users from responding to checklist questions featuring dropdown answers in the Investigator module. Previously, the Incident module reused the Checklist_Edit_Response token from the Resolution Tracker module, leading to this problem. To address this, we've introduced a new token, Edit_Incident_Checklist_Question_Response. This token enables checklist editing within the Investigator module and has been added to any role that previously had the Incident_Edit token. Additional roles that need this functionality may require assignment of this new token

12.25 - April 12, 2024


  • Investigator now supports concurrency in the Checklist and Action tabs. Now multiple users can work their checklist questions and actions without overriding each other's work. If there are overriding changes, a new popup is shown comparing the overriding change. The same improvements have been applied to Resolution Tracker.
  • Administrators can now select which step a split workflow will be inserted in
  • As an administrator, you can now see the last login date/time for your users
  • The main menu including Reports, Administration, etc is now sorted alphabetically
  • The Selections menu in the Administration module is collapsed by default and items inside are sorted alphabetically
  • When conducting an audit, you now see all protocols by default and can filter down to yours only if necessary
  • Added a token to manage who can edit the Workflow Step in Checklist checklist-edit-worfklow-step. Anyone who has checklist-edit-response by default will have the new token.


  • VKMS-876 Administration Fixes an issue where replace existing security checkbox did not overwrite the security
  • VKMS-1018 Auditor Fixes an issue with Audit Protocol questions disappearing after being answered
  • VKMS-1027 Administration Fixes an issue where the scrollbar was not visible on the Workflow Admin Page
  • VKMS-1053 Administration Fixes an issue where a report link could be saved without the expiry date
  • VKMS-1145 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where Verified By column was required when adding records through a template
  • VKMS-1201 Search Fixes an issue where a previous invalid search would lock up a new search
  • VKMS-1209 Investigator Fixes an issue where the end date was not properly formatted
  • VKMS-1226 Investigator Fixes an issue where a refresh was required to pull in latest record changes
  • VKMS-1228 Investigator Completed actions are now completed and no longer show under my assignments based on the completed date
  • VKMS-1233 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue with selecting multiple child records inside of a combobox
  • VKMS-1236 Badgermail An improvement to the cleanup of Badgermail queues
  • VKMS-1325 Auditor Fixes an issue where the recommendation was showing open when denied
  • VKMS-1388 Badgermail Fixes an issue where hyperlinks had formatting issues when combined with tags
  • VKMS-1393 Administration Copy Locations and Groups button is now controlled by Assign Locations and Groups token
  • VKMS-1412 Administration Fixes an issue with the checklists in the Extended Temporary Workflow were incorrectly populating
  • VKMS-1417 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where editing action dates in bulk did not trigger a warning for the user to save when navigating away from the page
  • VKMS-1421 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where attachments could not be uploaded with a particular combination of security tokens
  • VKMS-1422 Administration Fixes an issue where Persons list could not be exported
  • VKMS-1460 Administrator Fixes an issue where audit templates could not be saved
  • VKMS-1461 Auditor Fixes an issue with an audit template multi-select is not correctly reflecting selected locations
  • VKMS-1462 Resolution Tracker Actions with step none are no longer copied over in Create Child Record
  • VKMS-1465 Resolution Tracker Actions are now copied over to the correct step in Create Child Record
  • VKMS-1479 Auditor Fixes an issue where URL attachments could not be added
  • VKMS-1489 Fixes an issue where attachments with special characters in the name could not be deleted. Note, that the special character will get replaced with - in the filename and the person's name who uploaded it.

12.24.2 (LTS) - February 21, 2024


  • VKMS-1446, VKMS-1475 Auditor Fixes an issue where attachments could not be deleted
  • VKMS-1474 Auditor Fixes an issue where linked requirements in questions were checked for all protocols

Previous Releases


  • VKMS-1436 Recurring Activities Fixes an issue where attachments could not be deleted and downloaded blank
  • VKMS-1437 Security Vulnerability Updated SQL Data Client to the latest to resolve CVE-2024-0056
  • VKMS-1452 Auditor Fixed an issue where questions could not be added to protocols without questions
  • VKMS-1448 Reports Fixed an issue where an error was thrown while opening reports


  • VKMS-1114 Auditor Fixes an issue where externally managed protocols are not inserted into the hierarchy correctly
  • VKMS-1407 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where some actions were not being copied to the child record
  • VKMS-1408 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where actions are not copied to a child record if the target date is empty
  • VKMS-1409 General Fixes an issue where attachments stored with Azure Attachment API cannot be downloaded
  • VKMS-1413 Auditor Fixes an issue where externally managed questions are not populated correctly

12.24.1 - December 15, 2023


  • You are now able to create child records in Resolution Tracker by copying over all details on the existing MOC/REC and have the option to copy action items if necessary
  • When conducting an audit, you can now see how many questions have comments associated with them without having to click into each protocol. You are also able to see if a question has a finding associated with it indicated by the ⚠️ icon or a comment indicated by the 💬.
  • Audit Protocol Integration Service now shows all tiers


  • VKMS-584 Badgermail Fixes an issue where the record status update alert was sending duplicate notifications
  • VKMS-1061 Badgermail Fixes an issue with alert definitions sending out incorrect badgermails
  • VKMS-1224 Checklist Fixes an issue with checklists being blank after copying
  • VKMS-1246 Checklist Fixes an issue that allows users to edit the checklist's question's wording. They were not able to save it in the first place, but now the field is disabled appropriately
  • VKMS-1257 Search Fixes an issue with keyword searching experience slow performance with a large dataset
  • VKMS-1324 Security Vulnerability Updated MVC to the latest to resolve CVE-2018-8171
  • VKMS-1329 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where the error was thrown when adding questions in the Evaluation step of the MOC/REC workflow
  • VKMS-1340 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue where the Approval-Add-Or-Remove-Committee-Members token is not working when trying to remove/Delete Committee members
  • VKMS-1342 Checklist Fixes an issue with checklists being duplicated when creating a new draft
  • VKMS-1350 Resolution Tracker Fixes an issue with timeouts during MOC/REC workflows
  • VKMS-1383 Auditor Fixes an issue with linked requirements not being saved
  • VKMS-1397 Security Vulnerability Updated dependencies to resolve the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-44390, GHSA-5crp-9r3c-p9vr

Known Issues

Please refer to Known Issues.


  • VKMS-1266, VKMS-1236, VKMS-1231 Fixes an issue where some Badgermails were not sent out even if the filter was correct

Known Issues

Please refer to Known Issues.


  • VKMS-1238 Fixes an issue where the users could not open action details after the action was closed in Resolution Tracker
  • VKMS-1239 Fixes an issue where the Send Back button would cause the page to crash in Resolution Tracker
  • VKMS-1249 Fixes an issue where the views tab in the dashboard edit screen would not load in Risk Intelligence module
  • VKMS-1252 Fixes an issue where the actions tab required in the investigator would not refresh after actions are completed

Known Issues

Please refer to Known Issues.

12.24 - October 16, 2023


  • Added two new views that can be used for reporting: TRK_Checklist_Eval (Evaluation), TRK_Checklist_PSSR (PSSR Checklist)
  • Error/confirmation/warning messages appear now in the bottom right, instead of the top right to not obstruct the UI
  • Report API now respects the default filters
  • Autofilling REC/Action Description and Justification
    • Added new configuration options to Autofill REC Description from Recommended Action Description in Audit on export, Autofill Action Description from Recommended Action Description in Audit on export (Applicable for All Record Types MOC, REC, etc.), Autofill REC Justification from Finding Evidence in Audit on export
    • When in the Finding tab of an audit and the user selects the “+” button to add a recommended action, the description of the action will automatically populate with a description of the Finding, if an appropriate configuration option selected
  • Checklist Administration now loads faster due to performance optimizations
  • In the Finding tab, added additional columns for selection: Protocol and Evidence
  • The file attachments are now stored in a blob storage rather than the database, significantly increasing the performance
  • The PowerBI API now returns JSON instead of HTML


  • VKMS-1191 Fixes default action assignments in Investigator not functioning
  • VKMS-1195 Fixes Target Startup date validation throwing an error even if the startup already occurred
  • VKMS-1149 Fixes checklist questions in Investigator not displaying assignees
  • VKMS-1181 Fixes an issue with changes in Assignee field in Investigator>Checklist>Questions not being detected while saving an Incident
  • VKMS-1180 Fixes an issue where Incident Investigations could not be completed even if everything was filled out
  • VKMS-1142 Fixes an issue with downloading localizations - the downloaded file was incomplete and data columns were moved around
  • VKMS-1129 Fixes an issue where inactive users showed up in the dropdown for Checklist Administration
  • VKMS-1124 Fixes an issue with mobile app, where on some devices (Google Pixel 6), the company URL was not visible
  • VKMS-1109 Fixes an issue where a user could not delete child records
  • Fixes an issue where whitespace was recorded as a change on an action
  • VKMS-1074 Fixes an issue where an incident could not be closed when No Infraction Occured option was used
  • VKMS-1038 Fixes an issue where users could not access their own MOC records
  • VKMS-990 Fixes a loading time issue with Manage Equipment
  • VKMS-1116 Fixes an error showing up when using expand/collapse toggle for checklists
  • VKMS-1042, VKMS-1034 Fixes an error being thrown when trying to extract Checklist_View_Closed, Checklist_View_Open in PowerBI
  • VKMS-1040 Fixes incorrect characters showing up when exporting reports
  • VKMS-1128 Fixes an issue where attachments with special characters from V11 would not open within V12

Known Issues

Please refer to Known Issues.



  • In Investigator, there is a new feature for capturing actions local to an incident.
    • A new security token, Can-Be-Investigator-Action-Assignee, is available in the Investigator tab to allow users to show up in the drop down for incident action.
    • Administration for Actions Tab is set to be active for Incident Types in the Selections library. By default, the tab will be active for any incident type where checklists were active when upgrading. Adjustments to this can be made at any time.
    • Actions can be added to checklist questions or responses to be added by default in the record.
    • A new Badgermail definition, Incident Event Alert Definitions - Incident Action Assigned, is available to create templates to notify users of an action assignment in an incident.
    • A new report view, INV_Actions_View, is available to create reports for the status of Incident actions.
    • Actions will show up on the Actions tab when responses or questions generate a default action. Users can add ad hoc actions to an incident with the Add New Action button. Actions can be assigned to users who have the appropriate token. Users must fill in the Completed Date to close the action. Comments are available but are not required.
  • A new workflow configuration is available in Workflow Administration to force an assignee to be selected for incident checklist items. If not selected, the assignee will not be required for the checklist items.


  • VKMS-958, VKMS-1019 Fixes Investigator Incident records taking several minutes to load
  • VKMS-1066 Fixes Tracker Actions View not reporting past due for Awaiting Verification
  • VKMS-1073 Extended Risk Register timeout to show data

Known Issues

Please refer to Known Issues.