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Adding Persons

To add a person as a user, the Admin or Facility Admin (if permissions are given) will navigate to the Administration area and select Persons

  1. Click on the Add Person button and fill out the following fields:
  • User Name (*)
  • Department
  • First Name (*)
  • Employee ID
  • Last Name (*)
  • Status (*) - this defaults to Active
  • Job Title (*) (the user selects from the drop down)
  • Account Expiration - date field. This is used for temporary employees (contrractors, suppliers, etc.) that will access VisiumKMS once the expiration date is met the user will no longer have access to the application
  • Primary Location (*)
  • Permit Single Sign-on by default this is not checked
  • Email Address (optional but recommended for the purposes of receiving a BadgerMail)
  • Single Sign-on ID the format will be domain\login name and the application must be configured for single sign-on
  • Supervisor (the user selects from the drop down)
  • Password - password can be configured for number of characters and within those characters could be required to use numbers, uppercase, lowercase and special characters
  • Allow Password to Expire by default this is unchecked, however. if the password expiration (set number of days and the user will be prompted for a new password) is configured on this box will be checked (*) designates that the field is required. The fields without this marking are optional fields.

When setting up the Supervisor there must be a person assigned to that Supervisor for the Supervisor to be displayed in the Search and Report area of the application.

  1. Click Ok to add.

The person is added to the grid If Export Control is configured on, the Export Licenses will have a field displayed for the user to select the appropriate licenses to the person.

Add Groups to a Person

After adding the person to the database, the administrator will need to add a group(s) to a person. The group will define the role and tokens assigned to that person.

  1. Click on the person with a plus icon.
  2. Select the location to add the group
  3. Click on the Groups field to select one or more groups or begin typing to narrow the list
  4. Click OK

The group will be added to the location and the person. To see more on groups, roles and tokens go to the Manage Groups and Roles section of the help guide.

Remove Groups from a Person

After adding groups to the person in the database, the administrator will need to remove a group(s) from a person. The person may have changed locations, jobs, assignments or roles.

  1. Click on the person with a plus icon.
  2. Select the location to remove the group
  3. Click the X location to the right on the Groups field to remove
  4. Click OK

The group will be removed to the location and the person. To see more on groups, roles and tokens go to the Manage Groups and Roles section of the help guide.

Edit Person

To find the person, the user clicks the Filter next to the First Name column, enters the name of the person to edit and clicks filter.

  1. Click the Edit button
  2. The Edit Person window
  3. The user makes the necessary edits
  4. The user clicks Ok
  5. The record will update and the window will close.

Search/Filter Persons

To search for a particular person the user will use the filter control in each column.

Available queries are:

  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to
  • Starts with
  • Contains - this is the wild card
  • Does not contain
  • Ends with

Click on Filter to search for the person or click the Clear button to clear the filter.

Copy Locations and Groups

In VisiumKMS v11 each person had to be assigned facilities, areas and units assigned manually. In VisiumKMS v12 locations and groups can be copied to individuals as follows:

Using the search/filter instructions above to find the person whose locations and groups will be copied.

  1. The user selects the row of the person to copy Locations and Group from.
  2. The user clicks on Copy Locations and Groups. The Copy Locations and Groups window will open.
  3. The color of the Filter icon will change to gray to indicate the column that has been filtered.
  4. The name of the Person is displayed to copy location and groups from.
  5. Filter on the person to copy location and groups to.
  6. Check the box to the left of the First Name column.
  7. Click Ok. A confirmation message will be displayed to let the user know that Locations and Groups have been copied and saved.

Both individuals will have the same locations and groups assigned. This process does not overwrite any of the current location and groups, but will add the additional locations and groups.


The user must have the Admin Security or Facility Admin permissions to add persons and assign groups/roles.

Change Assignments

VisiumKMS allows the administrator to change a person's assignment whether the user is active or inactive. This allows the transfer of responsibility of open assigned items from one user to another user. This is done by assignment type and by location. This is found under Administration>Persons.

To Change Persons click on the arrows going opposite directions icon:

  1. Select the user to change assignments from
  2. Click the Change Assignments icon
  3. The assignment type and location is displayed, click on the Assigned To field to change the user
  4. Click OK. The user will receive a confirmation message that the changes were successful.

Setting Person Export Controls

This is to add Export Control License to the Person. The Export Control License will need to be configured on for the Export Control License field to display.

Add/Edit Export Control License

Navigate to Administration>Persons:

  1. Click the edit icon to Edit Person Details.
  2. Click on the field Export Control Licenses and select the licenses that the person may hold. The field allow multiple licenses to be selected.
  3. Click OK, the window will close.

Delete an Export Control License from a Person

To delete an export control license from a person, go to the person and click the edit icon. In the Export Control Licenses field, click the x to the right of the export control license name and the license will be removed from the field.

HR Interface

HR interface is available that permits uploading new user information from a third party HR system. VisiumKMS will then add those users automatically to the system on a user defined schedule with the basic security permissions. Fields from the customer HR interface can now be mapped to the applicable fields in VisiumKMS, allowing for a faster way to deliver new user information to the system.