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Suggested Fix

Suggested Fix defines the actions necessary to address the MOC or Recommendation, such as Training, Procedures, or Engineering Study.

Add/Edit Suggested Fix

The user navigates to Administration>Selections.


This function can only be performed by permissions associated to an Administration token.

  1. In the left pane under Investigator Libraries, select Suggested Fix
  2. Click Add Selection.
  3. A new entry will be added to the list called "New Selection"
  4. Click on New Selection. A grid will be displayed.
  5. Click Edit - to Change the Display Value.
  6. The user can also add a description of the Suggested Fix
  7. Click the update button to save changes. The Selection will be updated with the new value.
  8. The check box above the grid will set the new selection to Active when checked. If the box is unchecked, the selection is set as Inactive.

When the new Item is added, it will be displayed in the tree view to the left of the grid. Selections are not added alphabetically- the user can drag and drop Selections to change the order.

Selections cannot be deleted. Instead the user can make a Selection inactive by following step 8 above.