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Manage BadgerMail

BadgerMail is the alerting system within KMS. To access Manage BadgerMail the user will go through the Administration menu. BadgerMail is used to create the subject line and email body for each BadgerMail type, assign multiple recipients and assign notification time periods.

BadgerMail sends alerts upon assignment of items (event) and when the status becomes past due (timed). Any BadgerMails created can be location specific.

Adding new BadgerMail types requires new definitions to be created. The KMS Account Manager or implementation consultant can assist in the creation of the new definitions. After the definitions are created BadgerMail type can be created from the front end of the program.

Overview of Manage BadgerMail

When the user navigates to the Manage BadgerMail, four panels will be displayed:

  • Definition: This panel gives the Alert Name, the Description, the Alert Type and the Module. The standard definitions are predefined and cannot be changed. Templates within the alert definition can be copied with the token "Copy BadgerMail Template".
  • Templates: This panel gives the Modules Definition Name, Definition Active, Template Name, Template Active and Is Rollup
  • Alert Queue: Will display the Alert Name, the Template Name, the Processed on date and time and the Failed (true the BadgerMail failed, false the BadgerMail notification sent)
  • Email Alert Options: Fields include the Notification Email - if there is a system error an email will be sent to the address in the field, Retry Attempts - this is the number of times the alert will try to send, Email Batch Limit - this will created the BadgerMails by groups of whatever number will be in the field, Alert Font - the font used for the alert body, Email Footer Text - this can be either text or an image file.

Email Batch Limit groups the alerts to be sent. It is set at 100 for performance, however, the user can set it higher. If the user set this number higher it may take longer to create and send the BadgerMails.

Email Footer Text image must be in the form of a web address.

Adding and Configuring a New BadgerMail with Recurring Intervals

To add a new BadgerMail:

  1. Navigate to Administration>Manage BadgerMail. The window will open and the user will be presented with four panels that are expandable and collapsible. When the user enter the screen all panels are expanded
  2. The first panel is the Definition. In this table the user will find the Alert Name, a description, the Alert Type (event or timed) and the module. Select an Alert Name and click on the link
  3. Click on the Definition to add a template. The user will be taken to Maintain Alert with Available Template.
  4. If a template is available to copy the copy icon will be displayed. The user must have the token Copy BadgerMail Template. Or the user can click Add. Click the link to configure the BadgerMail.
  5. The user will be taken to the Email Template. The first panel on the screen is the Maintain Alert Template. The user can change the title on this page.
  6. Check the Active box.
  7. By checking the roll up, the user is allowing the BadgerMail to become a roll up BadgerMail.
  8. If the BadgerMail is an Event type alert, the alert will go out during the configured time. If the BadgerMail is a Timed alert, the user can select the Offset.

Offset Example


-1 = Yesterday, 0 = Today, and +1 = Tomorrow

If the alert is a Timed alert the offset could be the days before a target date. If the user wants to send an alert to an assignee prior to the task becoming past due, the offset would be -7. This indicates that an alert will be sent 7 day before the task is past due. On the same instance, if a task becomes past due and the user may want to send an initial alert to the assignee the day after (+1). If the assignee still does not finish the task, the user may set up a new BadgerMail with an offset of +3 and send to the assignee and unit supervisor starting an escalation process.

  1. If the BadgerMail is a Timed alert, recurring BadgerMail is available. Check the Recurring box and the offset will change to Recurrence Interval.
  2. Set the recurring time The time is in days see the example below if the user would like partial days.

Recurrance Interval Example

1 Min = 0.0007 Day15 Min = 0.0104 Day120 Min = 0.0833 Day1440 Min = 1 Day10000 Min = 6.94 Days
2 Min = 0.0014 Day20 Min = 0.0139 Day200 Min = 0.1389 Day2000 Min = 1.389 Day14400 Min = 10 Days
3 Min = 0.0021 Day30 Min = 0.0208 Day240 Min = 0.1667 Day2880 Min = 2 Days20000 Min = 13.89 Days
4 Min = 0.0028 Day40 Min = 0.0278 Day300 Min = 0.2083 Day3000 Min = 2.083 Days28800 Min = 20 Days
5 Min = 0.0035 Day50 Min = 0.0347 Day360 Min = 0.25 Day4000 Min = 2.778 Days30000 Min = 20.83 Days
6 Min = 0.0042 Day60 Min = 0.0417 Day400 Min = 0.2778 Day5000 Min = 3.472 Days40000 Min = 27.78 Days
7 Min = 0.0049 Day70 Min = 0.0486 Day480 Min = 0.3333 Day6000 Min = 4.167 Days50000 Min = 34.72 Days
8 Min = 0.0056 Day80 Min = 0.0556 Day500 Min = 0.3472 Day7000 Min = 4.861 Days60000 Min = 41.67 Days
9 Min = 0.0063 Day90 Min = 0.0625 Day600 Min = 0.4167 Day8000 Min = 5.556 Days70000 Min = 48.61 Days
10 Min = 0.0069 Day100 Min = 0.0694 Day1000 Min = 0.6944 Day9000 Min = 6.25 Days80000 Min = 55.56 Days
  1. Enter the email recipients. This may be a person's name or a role associated with a record (Initiator). The available fields are To:, CC:, BCC.
  2. In the Email details type in a Subject for the email.
  3. Enter text and field names to the body. To enter a field name highlight the entire line including braces {}. Left mouse click on the highlight line and drag it to the body. Please note multiple lines should not be highlighted and dragged to the body.
  4. Click Save

Template Body - Email Details

In this section, you can configure the subject and the body of the email to be sent out. You can use the rich text editor that allows you to get the exact look and feel. You can insert bullet points, lists, hyperlinks, and tables.

Certain fields or tags that will be programmatically populated for you, are available in the left panel. To include them in your email template, simply copy them over or type them out with {brackets} surrounding the tag name. This way the Badgermail will detect it as a tag and populate it with the correct data.

badgermail edit body of the email

You can also style the inserted tag using the rich text editor capabilities. Once the template has been saved and the page has been refreshed, the tag will become an image. To edit it or change styling, go ahead and remove it and retype the variable name in {brackets}.

Template Filters

  1. To add filtering to a template, the user will use the drop down to select a field name and click Add.
  2. A window will be presented and the Field: will be the same as the selection from the drop down. Using the drop down select the Operator.
  3. Click on the value field and select one or more values. This multi-select field is based on field name. If the user selects a field name that has a list of selection and multiple may be selected. For example, Incident Types is a multi-select value.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The window will close upon clicking export and the field, operator and value will be in the grid.
  6. Click Save in the Email Details panel.

To edit a Template Filter, click on the Edit button. To delete a Template Filter click on the X.

A user cannot delete an alert notification, however, the user may uncheck the Active box to make the alert inactive.

Standard BadgerMail Definitions:

The following are defining the standard BadgerMails for each module (Resolution Tracker, Investigator, Auditor, Risk Assessor and Recurring Activities). These BadgerMails are configured by implementation per customer request from the configuration design template.


If the user would like additional BadgerMails than the ones defined, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

MOC Standard BadgerMails


MOC Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameWorkflow StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
Tracker Step CompletedAllAlert when any step in the workflow is completed.Tracker Step CompletedEventTRK
MOC to be AcceptedProposalTo alert users that an MOC has been submitted and needs to be accepted into the systemTracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
EMOC Responsible Person AssignmentProposalTo alert users when the responsible person is initially assignedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
MOC Responsible Person AssignmentProposalTo alert users when the responsible person is initially assignedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
EMOC Responsible Person Reassignment (Review in Progress)EvaluationTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
EMOC Responsible Person Reassignment (Implementation in Progress)EvaluationTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
EMOC Responsible Person Reassignment (Ready to Startup)Startup ApprovalTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
MOC Responsible Person Reassignment (Review in Progress)EvaluationTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
MOC Responsible Person Reassignment (Implementation in Progress)EvaluationTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
MOC Responsible Person Reassignment (Ready to Startup)Startup ApprovalTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
Checklist Item AssignedEvaluation/ PSSR/ ClosureTo alert users they have been assigned to a checklist itemChecklist Assignee AlertEventTRK
Checklist Question Assignment Past Due 1 DayEvaluation/ PSSR/ ClosureTo alert user they have checklist assignments 1 day past dueChecklist Target Date Timed AlertTimedTRK
Checklist Question Assignment Past Due 7 DaysEvaluation/ PSSR/ ClosureTo alert user they have checklist assignments 7 days past dueChecklist Target Date Timed AlertTimedTRK
All Required Questions ClosedEvaluation/ PSSR/ ClosureTo alert Responsible Person that all required questions on a checklist have been closedChecklist All Required Questions Closed Update AlertEventTRK
Committee Member Approval AssignmentApprovalTo alert the users that they have been assigned to Approval Committee and need to give approval.Target Approval Date SetEventTRK
All Committee Members ApprovedApprovalAlert the overall approver that all committee members have approved.Overall Approver - committee members all approval AlertEventTRK
EMOC Overall Approval AssignmentApprovalAlert the overall approver that they have been assigned to a record.Overall Approver - committee members all approval AlertEventTRK
MOC Overall Approval AssignmentApprovalAlert the overall approver that they have been assigned to a record.Overall Approver - committee members all approval AlertEventTRK
Committee Approval Past Due 1 DayApprovalTo alert users their Committee Approval is past dueCommittee Member Past DueTimedTRK
EMOC DeniedApprovalTo alert that an EMOC has been denied.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
MOC DeniedApprovalTo alert that an MOC has been denied.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
EMOC ApprovedApprovalTo alert that an EMOC has been approved.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
MOC ApprovedApprovalTo alert that an MOC has been approved.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
Action AssignmentAction/ Post Startup ActionTo alert users that they have been assigned to an Action itemAction Status AlertEventTRK
Action to be VerifiedAction/ Post Startup ActionTo alert users that an Action item needs their verification.Action Status AlertEventTRK
Action Past Due 1 DayAction/ Post Startup ActionTo alert users when Action items are 1 day past their Target dateAction Target Date AlertTimedTRK
Action Past Due 7 DaysAction/ Post Startup ActionTo alert users when Action items are 7 days past their Target dateAction Target Date AlertTimedTRK
All Actions ClosedAction/ Post Startup ActionTo alert users when all actions are closed/abandonedTracker All Actions ClosedEventTRK
EMOC Startup Approval AssignmentStartup ApprovalStart-up approval action assignedSingle Person Approver AlertEventTRK
MOC Startup Approval AssignmentStartup ApprovalStart-up approval action assignedSingle Person Approver AlertEventTRK
MOC Ready to Start UpStartup ApprovalTo alert that an MOC is ready to start up.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
EMOC Ready to Start UpStartup ApprovalTo alert that an EMOC is ready to start up.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
MOC CompleteClosureTo alert users that MOC has been completedTracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
EMOC CompleteClosureTo alert users that EMOC has been completedTracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
Temporary Record Set to Expire 7 DaysAllTo alert users a Temporary record will reach its Expiration date in 7 daysTracker Expiration DateTimedTRK
Temporary Record Set to Expire 1 DayAllTo alert users a Temporary record will reach its Expiration date in 1 dayTracker Expiration DateTimedTRK
Temporary Record Has Expired 1 DayAllTo alert users a Temporary record has passed its Expiration date by 1 dayTracker Expiration DateTimedTRK
Temporary Record Has Expired 7 DaysAllTo alert users a Temporary record has passed its Expiration date by 7 daysTracker Expiration DateTimedTRK
Record Past Due 1 DayAllTo alert users when Tracker record is 1 day passed Target Closure DateTracker Target Closure DateTimedTRK
Record Past Due 7 DaysAllTo alert users when Tracker record is 7 days passed Target Closure DateTracker Target Closure DateTimedTRK

REC Standard BadgerMails


REC Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameWorkflow StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
Tracker Step CompletedAllAlert when any step in the workflow is completed.Tracker Step CompletedEventTRK
REC to be AcceptedProposalTo alert users that an MOC has been submitted and needs to be accepted into the systemTracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
REC Responsible Person AssignmentProposalTo alert users when the responsible person is initially assignedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
REC Responsible Person Reassignment (Review in Progress)ApprovalTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
REC Responsible Person Reassignment (Implementation in Progress)ActionTo alert users when the responsible person has changedResponsible Person AssignmentEventTRK
Committee Member Approval AssignmentApprovalTo alert the users that they have been assigned to Approval Committee and need to give approval.Target Approval Date SetEventTRK
All Committee Members ApprovedApprovalAlert the overall approver that all committee members have approved.Overall Approver - committee members all approval AlertEventTRK
REC Overall Approval AssignmentApprovalAlert the overall approver that they have been assigned to a record. Alert the overall approver that they have been assigned to a recordOverall Approver - committee members all approval AlertEventTRK
Committee Approval Past DueApprovalTo alert users their Committee Approval is past dueCommittee Member Past DueTimedTRK
REC DeniedApprovalTo alert that an EMOC has been denied.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
REC ApprovedApprovalTo alert that an MOC has been approved.Tracker Record Status Update AlertEventTRK
Action AssignmentActionTo alert users that they have been assigned to an Action itemAction Status AlertEventTRK
Action to be VerifiedActionTo alert users that an Action item needs their verification.Action Status AlertEventTRK
Action Past Due 1 DayActionTo alert users when Action items are 1 day past their Target dateAction Target Date AlertTimedTRK
Action Past Due 7 DaysActionTo alert users when Action items are 7 days past their Target dateAction Target Date AlertTimedTRK
All Actions ClosedActionTo alert users when all actions are closed/abandonedTracker All Actions ClosedEventTRK
Record Past Due 1 DayAllTo alert users when Tracker record is 1 day passed Target Closure DateTracker Target Closure DateTimedTRK
Record Past Due 7 DaysAllTo alert users when Tracker record is 7 days passed Target Closure DateTracker Target Closure DateTimedTRK

Investigator Standard BadgerMails


Investigator Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameRecord Status/ StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
Initiated IncidentAwaiting Initial ReviewThis alert occurs when an Incident is submitted for initial reviewIncident Status Change AlertEventINV
Team Leader AssignmentIn ProgressAlerts team leader when investigation is put into “In Progress”.Investigation Team Lead AssignedEventINV
Team Member AssignmentIn ProgressAlerts team member when they are assigned.Investigation Event Alert Definitions - Team Member AssignedEventINV
Investigation Awaiting Final ApprovalAwaiting Final ApprovalAlerts when status is changed to “Awaiting Final Approval”.Investigation Status ChangedEventINV
Investigation FinalizedFinalizedAlerts when status is FinalizedInvestigation Status ChangedEventINV
Incident has not changed status for 7 days.InitiatedAlert is sent if the status of an initiated incident has not changed after x number of days. Where x is configurable.Initiated Incident Timed AlertTimedINV
Investigation Start Date Past DueIn ProgressAlert is sent if the investigation start date has occurred.Investigator Timed Alert Definitions - Investigation Start DateTimedINV
Investigation End Date Past DueIn ProgressAlert is sent if the investigation end date has occurred.Investigator Timed Alert Definitions - Investigation Start DateTimedINV
Investigation Target Report Date Past DueIn ProgressAlert is sent if the investigation target report date has occurred.Investigator Timed Alert Definitions - Investigation Target Report DateTimedINV
Incident Criticality Change AlertInitiated In ProgressAlert is sent when the incident Criticality has changedIncident Criticality has ChangedEventINV
Incident Type Changed AlertInitiated In ProgressAlert is sent when the incident type has been changed.Incident Type has ChangedEventINV
Investigation Team Lead AssignedIn ProgressAlert is sent when the investigation Team Lead 1 or Team Lead 2 is assigned or reassignedTeam Lead AssignmentEventINV
Investigation Event Alert Definitions - Team Member AssignedIn ProgressAlert is sent anytime a team member has been assigned or removed from an investiationTeam Member AssignmentEventINV

Auditor Standard BadgerMails


Auditor Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameRecord Status/ StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
Audit Sponsor AssignedTo alert when an Audit Sponsor has been assigned.Audit Sponsor AssignedEventAUD
Audit to be ApprovedAwaiting Initial ReviewAlert when an Audit is waiting to be approved (initial approval).Status Changed AlertEventAUD
Lead Auditor AssignedAlert when a Lead Auditor has been assignedAuditor Leader AssignedEventAUD
Audit Team Member AssignedAlert when an audit Team Member has been assigned.Auditor Team Member AssignedEventAUD
Audit Past Due 1 DayAlert when an audit is overdue by 1 day.Auditor Target Date Timed AlertTimedAUD
Audit Past Due 7 DaysAlert when an audit is overdue by 7 days.Auditor Target Date Timed AlertTimedAUD
Audit Awaiting Final ApprovalAwaiting Final ApprovalAlert when an audit is waiting for a final review.Status Changed AlertEventAUD

Risk Assessor Standard BadgerMails


Risk Assessor Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameRecord Status/ StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
Facilitator AssignmentTo alert when a Facilitator has been assigned.Risk Assessor Facilitator AssignmentEventRAS
Scribe AssignmentTo alert when a Facilitator has been assigned.Risk Assessor Scribe AssignmentEventRAS
Risk Assessment to ApprovedAwaiting Initial ReviewAlert when a Risk Assessment is waiting to be approvedRisk Assessor Status Change AlertEventRAS
Risk Assessment Team Member AssignedAlert when a Team Member has been assigned.Risk Assessor Team AssignmentEventRAS
Start Date ChangedAlert when the start date for an assessment has been set or changedRisk Assessor Start DateEventRAS
Assessment Awaiting Final ApprovalAwaiting Final ReviewAlert when a Risk Assessment is waiting for final reviewRisk Assessor Status Change AlertEventRAS

Recurring Activities Standard BadgerMails


Recurring Activities Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameRecord Status/ StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
Occurrence AssignedTo alert when an occurrence has been set up on an activityRecurring Activity Occurrence AssignedEventRA
Occurrence Start Date in 7 DaysTo alert 7 days before the occurrence start date of an activity.Occurrence Start DateEventRA

Administration Standard BadgerMails


Administration Standard BadgerMails that can be configured. If the user would like these BadgerMails configured, speak with your Implementation Project Manager.

BadgerMail Template NameRecord Status/ StepPurposeAlert NameAlert TypeModule
VisiumKMS Application Password ExpringAlert is sent when the KMS Application password expires or is about to expireVisiumKMS Application Password ExpriesTimeADM
Delegation AssignmentAlert is sent when the user has delegated assignments.Delegator AssignedEventADM
User has been CreatedAlert is sent when a user in KMS has been createdUser CreatedEventADM