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Root Causes

Investigator allows the user to assign Caused to an Investigation. The only required fields are Causes and Description. The Causes and Methodology are set up in the Administration>Selections>Investigator Library.

Adding Root Causes

The Root Cause screen allows the user to assign causes to the investigation.

  1. Select the Root Cause tab
  2. Select the Methodology that was used to determine the cause from the drop-down menu
  3. Click in the Causes field to select a Cause depending on where on the tree the cause is, this will indicate whether the cause is Basic Cause (first position on the tree), Near Root Cause (second position on the tree) or Root Cause (third position on the tree. Click Ok the pop up list will close
  4. Enter any notes in the Description field regarding the determination of the cause or the cause itself
  5. Click Add

The Basic Cause, Near Root Cause, Root Cause and the description will display in the grid below the Add button.

Editing Root Cause

The user can edit the root cause.

  1. Click the Edit button located to the right of the Root Cause Description. The Cause(s) and Description will be displayed in the fields. The user can make changes
  2. Click Update. The changes will be reflected in the grid.

Deleting Root Cause

If the user wants to Delete a Root Cause all that will be done is:

  1. Click on the Delete button located to the right of the Edit button.

  2. A confirmation message will be displayed. If the user still wants to delete the root cause click Ok.