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Close Investigation

After all of the information has been entered into the Investigations, it can be closed. Under Record Options Click on the Complete Investigation. The Incident Status will go to Awaiting Final Approval. The User who has the "Finalized Report" token can Finalize the completion of the investigation. Once Finalized has been clicked under the Records Options, the Incident Status in Record Details will be Report Issued.

Prior to sending for final review, the user must fill in the Investigation End Date and the Actual Report Date.

When the status is "Report Issued", no further editing of the information will be allowed.

Re-Open a Closed Investigation Record

There may be times that a closed record must be re-opened. To re-open an Investigation record the user must have the appropriate permissions.

To re-open a record follow these steps:

  1. Use search to find the closed record (Report Issued) and open the record using the link

  2. Under Record Options click the Reopen icon

  3. The record is reopened and ready to be updated.