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The Recommendation screen allows the user to enter recommendations that result from the investigation.

Adding Recommendations

  1. Click the Recommendations tab
  2. Enter a detailed Description of the Recommendation this is the only required field.
  3. Select a Target Date for this Recommendation
  4. Assign a Responsible Person
  5. Click Add

Details such as Description, Target Date, Assigned To, Status, Reference ID (only after export) will be displayed in the grid below.

Editing Recommendations

There may be times that the user does not know who the Responsible Person assigned would be, but can later edit (prior to exporting the recommendation) to add the Responsible Person. User can click the Edit icon to add any information that is missing prior to export. The recommendation will not export without the Responsible Person assigned or Description as these are required fields.

Deleting Recommendations

To delete a recommendation, click on the delete icon. A confirmation message will pop up. If the user would like to continue with the delete click OK.

Exporting Recommendations

After the Recommendations have been created, Investigator allows the User to Export the Recommendations into Resolution Tracker. The Recommendation can then be tracked and Actions created. The Recommendations remain a part of the record in Investigator and are accessible by the link in the Recommendations tab. The tracking of Recommendation to closure is only available in the Resolution Tracker Module.

To export a Recommendation to Resolution Tracker, Click the check box next to the added Recommendation.

  1. For a single recommendation to be exported the following will carry over:
  • The Location
  • Type will default to REC if only one type is available
  • Source will need to be selected
  • The Title is the title of the investigation
  • The Responsible Person
  • Target Closure Date and Description
  • The Justification will be populated with the Source
  1. Multiple Recommendations will carry over the following:
  • The Location
  • Type will default to REC if only one type is available
  • Source will need to be selected
  • The Title is the title of the investigation
  • The Responsible Person
  • Target Closure Date and
  • Description
  • The Justification will be populated with the Source
  • Click OK

If the Assigned To or Target Date is missing, the user may enter the selected assigned to or target date. Only those recommendations without a selection or date will be assigned. If the assigned to or target date are filled in, that data will remain in the fields in the recommendation.

The user will see a confirmation that the recommendation has been created and a link will be available on the far left of the grid under Type. When the user clicks on the link, Resolution Tracker will open to the Recommendation.

If the user entered a Target Date and Responsible Person, the assignment will show up in the Responsible Person's My Assignments list once it has been approved into Resolution Tracker. The user can then track the recommendation through Resolution Tracker.