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The Notifications screen allows the user to capture people, agencies, and local or government officials who were contacted in connection with the incident. KMS does not notify the official agency; it is only used to record the notification.

  1. Click the Notifications tab
  2. Enter the following required (*) and non required fields:
  • Name (*) – The name of the individual or government agency that was notified of the incident
  • Job Title – If the notification was sent to an individual, enter the person’s job title
  • Address – The address of the individual or government agency that was notified
  • Email – The email address of the notified person
  • Affiliation – Any affiliated organization, such as a government agency
  • Agency Reference # - The reference number of the agency
  • Date – The date the notification was delivered
  • Statement Date (*) – When the initial conversation took place. This may or may not be different to Date
  • Contacted Person – The name of the individual who was initially contacted
  • Statement (*) – Details of the conversation that took place between the company and the notified agency or person
  1. Click Add
  2. To Edit the record, click on the edit button when all edits are completed click update
  3. To Delete the notification, click on the delete button. A confirmation box will be displayed
  4. Click Save to save the record to the database