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Investigation Details

The details for the investigation can now be entered.

Adding Details to an Investigation

  1. Click on the Details tab
  2. Team Lead 1 and Team Lead 2 the persons that will be conducting the investigation. The company's policy will determine whether a one person or a two person team is needed. Team Lead 1 shall be the primary lead.
  3. Title for the Investigation this can remain the same as the incident or can be changed.
  4. Investigation Start Date is automatically populated when the Supervisor starts the investigation, but this can be changed.
  5. Target Report Date is the intended date when the report should be finalized for the investigation
  6. Investigation End Date is the actual date that the investigation is completed (this will be entered at a later time)
  7. Actual Report Date this is the date when the report is received (this will be entered at a later time)
  8. Click Save

At any time the user can access the Incident Record above the Start Investigation window by clicking on the (+) to expand the details and tabs that are available.