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Injury and Illness

If the user has not implemented the OI&I Module, Injuries & Illness tab will be available based on the incident type selected and must be set up in the Administration.

Add Injuries & Illness to Existing Person

To add a person to the Injury & Illness tab, the user must have the proper permissions.

Once the initiator is in the incident and the incident type associated with Injury & Illness is selected, the tab will be displayed.

  1. Click on the Injury & Illness tab
  2. Select the radio button for either Select Existing Person (default) or Enter a New Person, for this purpose we will select existing person
  3. Using the drop down, select the person
  4. Add the injury details. A spell checker is available to check spelling.
  5. Add the Treatment Description. A spell check is available to check spelling.
  6. If this is a privacy case, check the box.
  7. Click Add.

The Person will be added to the grid with a Case Number ID. If the user has the proper permissions and is licensed for OI&I , the link will open to the OI&I module. The column names will be Case Number, Name, Job Title, Injury Details, Treatment description and an Edit button. If the user selected a privacy case, the Name will show [REDACTED].

Add Injury & Illness Enter New Person

To add a person to the Injury & Illness tab, the user must have the proper permissions.

Once the initiator is in the incident and the incident type associated with Injury & Illness is selected, the tab will be displayed.

  1. Click on the Injury & Illness tab
  2. Select the radio button for either Select Existing Person (default) or Enter a New Person, for this purpose we will select enter new person. The field will be active once the selection is made
  3. Enter the First Name
  4. Enter the Last Name
  5. Using the drop down, select the Job Title
  6. Add the injury details. A spell checker is available to check spelling.
  7. Add the Treatment Description. A spell check is available to check spelling.
  8. If this is a privacy case, check the box,
  9. Click Add.

The Person will be added to the grid with a Case Number ID. If the user has the proper permissions and is licensed for OI&I , the link will open to the OI&I module. The column names will be Case Number, Name, Job Title, Injury Details, Treatment description and an Edit button. If the user selected a privacy case, the Name will show [REDACTED].

Edit Injury & Illness

To edit the Injury & Illness, select the person to modify and click the Edit button location to the right of the Treatment Description Make the modifications. Once all modifications are completed click the Update button. The updated record is saved and the fields are cleared to add additional injury information