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Investigator has added functionality that allows recording and tracking of specific cost information relating to an Incident and Investigation. The user can define categories or types of costs that are applicable to the location.

Add Costs

  1. Click the Costs tab, the total, Potential, Actual and Other will be display.
  2. If no costs were involved in this incident, click the No Costs Incurred box
  3. If costs were involved, user the ? to obtain Category definitions and then enter relevant information in the following areas:
  • Comment – Additional information about that specific cost category not covered by the provided fields
  • Potential – The potential costs for a specific category
  • Actual – The actual, final cost of a specific category
  • Other – Another measure of cost not already covered in the provided fields
  • Unit of Measure – Select the unit of measure for the specific cost category from the drop-down menu
  • Confidential – Select this box to hide this specific Cost/Cost Category from displaying in the Detailed Report
  1. Click Save The total cost will automatically populate in the bottom two fields below the Potential and Actual costs columns.