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Team Members

There are two ways to add team members. The first is from the Administration > Locations and the second is in the risk assessment record.

Add/Edit Team Members

To add a team member in the Risk Assessor module, please use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Team Member tab.
  2. In the Add Team Members field, select the team member(s). This is a multi-select field.
  3. Click Add. The team members will be added to the grid where the user can edit the role.
  4. To add the roles, click edit. Notice that the edit and delete buttons are now Update and Cancel buttons
  5. Type in the Role for the person.
  6. Click Update. The role will be added to the grid and the update and cancel buttons will revert back to Edit and Delete buttons.
  7. Click Save to update the database.

Delete Team Member

The following steps will lead the user in the method to delete a team member:

  1. Click on the Delete button. A confirmation window will open.
  2. If the user would like to continue to delete, click OK otherwise click cancel. If the user selected OK the confirmation window will close and the person will be removed from the grid.