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Assess Risks

When the risk assessment has gone through the approvals and the start assessment phase is completed, the user can now begin to Assess Risks.

Overview of Assess Risks Screen

Once the user has configured the areas in Administration, selected the Areas for the assessments and started the assessment, The Assess Risks page will be displayed when the Assess Risks icon under Record Options is clicked.

  • Area Id - This is added during the risk assessment details under the Areas tab it is the Name.
  • Deviation - This is set up in Administration > Manage Risk Assess Methodology as an Index defined by the user
  • Cause - This is set up in Administration > Manage Risk Assess Methodology as a level defined by the user
  • Consequence - This is set up in the Administration > Manage Risk Assess Methodology as a level by the user.
  • Safeguard- This is set up in the Administration > Manage Risk Assess Methodology as a level by the user.
  • Header - If the user clicks on the gear or cog, a menu will be displayed but if the user click on the Reference ID, it will redirect the user back to the risk assessment details area.
  • Index Item - If the user highlights the index item in the column, gears or a cog will be displayed. If the user clicks the gear or cogs, a menu will be displayed.
  • Level Items - The level item is created by the menu on the index item. If the user clicks on the gear or cog, a menu will be displayed with an additional item.

Notice the colored bars to the left of each item. This will quickly let the user know what the risk associated with the item.

Add an Index

To add an additional index item, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Index Item. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Select Add to Current Column.
  3. The add deviation window will open. Type in Parameter (required).
  4. Type in Guide Words (required).
  5. Type in any Notes.
  6. Type in the Parameter Conditions - this will be displayed under the Parameter.
  7. Using the drop down, select the Safeguards Adequate
  8. Using the drop down, select RMP Scenarios.
  9. Note there is a checkbox labeled Completed.
  10. Click Save & Close. The window will close and the index item will be added to the grid.

Edit Index Items

To edit an index item, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Index Item to be modified. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Edit.
  3. The fields that can be edited are Notes , Parameter Conditions, Safeguards Adequate, RMP Scenarios and the Completed checkbox.
  4. Make modifications and click Save to update the record in the database.

Delete Index Items

To delete an index item, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Index Item to be modified. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Delete.
  3. A confirmation window will open. If the user would like to continue and delete click OK, otherwise click Cancel.
  4. The index item will be removed from the Index column.

Add Child Item

A child to an index will be added to a level. To add a child item, use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Index Item to be modified. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Add Child Item. A window will open called Add Cause and two tabs will be displayed Details (the default tab) and Risk Matrix. This is the first level since this is from an index.
  3. Type in a Description. When the user begins typing in a description, a description can be pulled from a pre-defined library.
  4. Select Categories by clicking on the field. The user can select multiples. These will be displayed under Risk Values
  5. Check the box if a LOPA will be required.
  6. Using the drop down select the severity and frequency for each category. There are specific severity information defined to each category, and the frequency will be the same for all categories. . If the user needs definitions, these can be found under the Risk Matrix tab.
  7. The user can also begin typing in the drop down and it will filter to the selection.
  8. Click Save & Close. The child of the index is added to the first level and the risk values will be displayed as well as an overall risk.

Add Levels

To add an additional a level item, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Level Item. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Select Add to Current Column.
  3. Type in a Description. When the user begins typing in a description, a description can be pulled from a pre-defined library.
  4. Select Categories by clicking on the field. The user can select multiples. These will be displayed under Risk Values
  5. Check the box if a LOPA will be required.
  6. Using the drop down select the severity and frequency for each category. There are specific severity information defined to each category, and the frequency will be the same for all categories. . If the user needs definitions, these can be found under the Risk Matrix tab.
  7. The user can also begin typing in the drop down and it will filter to the selection.
  8. Click Save & Close. The child of the index is added to the first level and the risk values will be displayed as well as an overall risk.

Edit Level Items

To edit a level item, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Level Item to be modified. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Edit.
  3. The fields that can be edited are Description, Categories, LOPA Check box, Risk Values
  4. Make modifications and click Save to update the record in the database.

Delete Level Items

To delete a level item, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Level Item to be modified. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Delete.
  3. A confirmation window will open. If the user would like to continue and delete click OK, otherwise click Cancel.
  4. The Level item will be removed from the Level column.

Add Child Item

A child to a level, the child will be added to a next level. To add a child item, use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Level Item to be modified. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Add Child Item. A window will open called Add Consequence and two tabs will be displayed Details (the default tab) and Risk Matrix. This is the first level since this is from an index.
  3. Type in a Description. When the user begins typing in a description, a description can be pulled from a pre-defined library.
  4. Select Categories by clicking on the field. The user can select multiples. These will be displayed under Risk Values
  5. Check the box if a LOPA will be required.
  6. Using the drop down select the severity and frequency for each category. There are specific severity information defined to each category, and the frequency will be the same for all categories. . If the user needs definitions, these can be found under the Risk Matrix tab.
  7. The user can also begin typing in the drop down and it will filter to the selection.
  8. Click Save & Close. The child of the index is added to the first level and the risk values will be displayed as well as an overall risk.

To add a recommended action, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Level Item. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Manage Recommended Actions.
  3. Click Add Recommended Action under the Current Assessment Tab.
  4. Type in the Description of the Recommended Action.
  5. Use the drop down to select the Responsible Person.
  6. Use the graphical calendar to enter a date.
  7. The link is link the item with the recommended action. If the user were to go to the next level to add recommended action, the link would be unchecked. By checking the link the user has linked an item to two levels within the recommended action. Associated cannot be changed. This changes when step 7 is done.
  8. Click Save or Save & Close. The Recommended Actions window will close and the item will show Recommended Actions: with a number value.

Copy from Other Assessments

To add a recommended action from other risk assessments, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Level Item. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Manage Recommended Actions.
  3. Click the tab Copy from Other Assessments. The user will be presented with a grid of Risk Assessments for that location or facility. Columns displayed are Reference ID, Description and a Copy icon.
  4. Locate the Reference ID number and click the Copy icon.
  5. Click Save. The recommended action will be added to the grid. Click Save & Close. The window will close and the item will show Recommended Actions: with a number value.

To edit a recommended action, do the following:

  1. Click on the Level Item. The gear or cog will be displayed.
  2. Click on the gear or cog. Menu items will be displayed. Click Manage Recommended Actions.
  3. Select the recommended action to modified, click on the field to modify.
  4. Once all modifications are completed, click the Save & Close button. The window will close and the recommended action will be updated in the database.
  1. To delete any recommended actions the user will need to go to the Recommended Actions tab in the risk assessment.