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To add an area, click on the Areas tab. The user will be presented with a grid. The column in the grid are Name, Method, Category, Area Id and Completed. Along with the grid there are three buttons, these are Add Area, Delete Area and Duplicate Existing Areas.

  1. Click the button Add Area. A window will open and the user will be present with two tabs - Details and Sections and Conditions.
  2. Enter a Name (required).
  3. Enter an Area Id (required)
  4. Using the drop down, select the Method (required).
  5. Using the drop down, select a Category (required). The user will need to select a Method before the Category is Active.
  6. Enter the Design Intent.
  7. Enter any Notes.
  8. Click on the Drawings field. If the user has put any drawing attachments in and selected an attachment category as drawings, those would be listed and can be selected.
  9. Click OK. The window will close and the Area will be added to the grid.

Edit Areas

To edit an area select the area to be modified and click the Edit button. A window will open and the fields can be modified. Once the user makes any updates to the area, click OK. The window will close and the grid will be updated. Duplicated Existing Areas Areas can be duplicated within a risk assessment. This will allow the user to use information that has been previously entered. The user will have the ability to change or remove what is not applicable in the duplicated area. To duplicate an area use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Duplicate Existing Areas button. A window will open list the reference Id and the Title for risk assessments in a tree view.
  2. Click the + to the left of the checkbox. This will expand the risk assessment and the areas associated to that assessment will be visible. The user has the ability to check the box at the reference Id and title level or to drill down and select a specific area within the assessment. Click on the box to select that area. Multiples may be selected.
  3. Click OK when all areas have been selected. The window will close and the area will be displayed in the grid.

Delete Areas

To delete an area, the user will select the area from the grid and click on the row. The Delete Area button will be active.

  1. Click the Delete Area button. A confirmation window will open.
  2. If the user would like to continue in the deleting of an area click OK, otherwise click Cancel.

Adding Sections and Conditions

After the Details of the Area have been added, the user may go into the Sections and Conditions to add those items.

To add a new section with design and operating conditions, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Sections and Conditions tab.
  2. Click the Add Section button.
  3. Enter the Section Name.
  4. Enter the Design Conditions -For instance temperature, pressure
  5. Enter the Operating Conditions. - For instance temperature, pressure, flow
  6. Click OK

Delete a Sections and Conditions item

To delete an item from the Sections and Conditions tab, follow these steps:

  1. Select the area to delete the section and conditions, click the Edit icon.
  2. Click on the Sections and Conditions tab.
  3. Click the delete icon on the section and condition to remove.
  4. Click OK.