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Record Links

A new feature in VisiumKMS is the ability to link like records with an existing Investigation, Recommendation or MOC. This record can be a set as Related or Required By.

If the record link is considered related, the Recommendation or MOC can move forward past the approval phase. This means that it does not rely on the completion of the risk assessment to move through the workflow. However, if the record link is considered required by, the risk assessment must be completed to move forward past the approval phase.

To add a link the user will:

  1. Click on Record Links and the user will be presented with an empty grid.
  2. Click the Manage Related Items button. A window will open with two columns Unselected and Selected. To move an item from unselected to selected, locate the Incident, Recommendation or MOC by reference number and click the right facing arrow. This will move the item into the Selected column.
  3. Click OK. The window will close and the selected item will be displayed in the grid.

The columns of the grid will be:

  • Reference ID - This is the reference number to an Incident, Recommendation or MOC and it will be linked. By clicking on the link the user will be taken to the record.
  • Location - This is the Location of the Incident, Recommendation or MOC
  • Title - This will be the Title of the Incident, Recommendation or MOC.
  • Relation - This will let the user know what type of relationship this link is. Related or Required By.

To remove a related item, use these steps:

  1. Click on the Manage Related Items
  2. Under the Selected column click the "X" to the right of the reference ID and title. This will move the item back to the Unselected column.
  3. Click OK

Adding a source link is different from adding a related item. The Source link means that the user must complete the risk assessment before the Recommendation or MOC and move forward to the Approval phase in the workflow. The next difference is there can only be one (1) required instance.

To add a Source link, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Edit Source button. A window will open and a drop down will be available.

  2. Using the drop down, select a Recommendation or MOC. A risk assessment is most likely to occur from a MOC evaluation item.

  3. Click OK. The window will close and the Source link will be in the grid with a relation of Required By. If the user accidentally opens the window or if the source is not in the listing, click on Select None. This will close the window and nothing will be added to the grid.