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Local Items

During the course of a risk assessment, actions may come up that are not necessarily corrective actions, but rather actions that drives the completion of the risk assessment to closure. For example, verify or validate that an item in the risk assessment has been completed.

To Add Local Items, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Location Items tab.
  2. Click Add Location Item button. A window will open to add details for the Local Item.
  3. Enter the Description (required)
  4. Enter a Target Date
  5. Type in the Assigned to
  6. There is a check-box for Completed. If the Local Item is completed check the box. A star will appear under the Completed column.
  7. Click OK. The window will close and the Local Item will be added to the grid. Columns in the grid include, Description, Target Date, Assigned To and Completed. There an Edit icon in the last column.

Edit Local Items

To edit a local item, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Local Items tab. The user will be presented with a grid of Local Items.
  2. Find the local item to modify and click the edit icon.
  3. Make any changes to the description, target date, assigned to.
  4. Click OK. The item will be updated in the grid.