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Upload Tool

The Recommendation Upload Tool allows the user to upload recommendations which may have been entered in programs other than KMS. The user must have the associated permissions assigned to have the capability to perform this function. This tool is for the Standard Recommendation workflow.

The token will be under Manage Role Based Security>Administration tab>AdminSecurity Role>Download_Template token and must have Resolution Tracker permissions as any role that has the token Proposal-Add to upload the template.

Download Template

To download the template ensure the user has the correct permissions. Navigate to Resolution Tracker.

  1. Under Record Options located to the left of the My Assignments, click Download Template.
  2. A window will open Download Template. Using the drop down select the type.
  3. Click on the Location field. Select a location and click Ok
  4. Click the download icon to the left of the drop down.

The user can open the RecTemplate file or open the file from the download folder on the C: drive.

The download template has tabs used as a list for the drop down selections on the correlating tabs. (i.e. Details has a Selections-Detail tab). Do not delete or move any of the list items under these tabs.

Entering Data into the Recommendation Template

The template has several tabs in the Excel Macro enabled spreadsheet (.xlsm). The ones that will need to be filled in for the Recommendation are:

  • Details
  • Approval Committee (only if an approval committee is required)
  • Approval (overall approval)
  • Action
  • Action Step

The download template has tabs used as a list for the drop down selections on the correlating tabs. (i.e. Details has a Selections-Detail tab). Do not delete or move any of the list items under these tabs.

Entering data into the Details Tab

  1. Enable the content to be edited on the .xlsm
  2. Fill in the Template. Column A is where the user will fill in the number.
  3. Enter the Recommendation Title - this is a required field
  4. Using the drop down select the Source - this is a required field
  5. Using the drop down select the Initiator - if no initiator, the system will enter the user that uploaded the recommendation template
  6. Enter the Initiated Date
  7. Using the drop down select the Responsible Person - this is a required field
  8. Enter the Target Closure Date - this is a required field
  9. Enter a Work Oder Number
  10. Using the drop down select the Risk Ranking
  11. If Risk Matrix was selected for the Risk Ranking (step 10), use the drop down to select the Severity Type
  12. If Risk Matrix was selected for the Risk Ranking (step 10), use the drop down to select the Severity
  13. If Risk Matrix was selected for the Risk Ranking (step 10), use the drop down to select the Frequency
  14. Using the drop down select a Priority
  15. Type in a Description - this is a required field , with a maximum of 1750 characters
  16. Type in the Justification - this is a required field, with a maximum of 1750 characters
  17. Using the drop down, select the basis - multiples may be selected one at a time
  18. Using the drop down, select the suggested fix - multiples may be selected one at a time
  19. Using the drop down, select the accepted by - this will accept the Recommendation into the database
  20. If the Accepted by has been populated, the Accepted date should be filled in
  21. If the record is Confidential use the drop down to select Yes
  22. If the step is to be completed, use the drop down to select Yes (this must be set to Yes if there is an Accepted By)
  23. Using the drop down, select the Category - multiples may be selected one at a time
  24. Save the recommendation template.

Entering data into the Approval Committee Tab

If the company has set up an approval committee to review the recommendations. The information will go into this tab for each recommendation that has completed the Details step.

  1. To add an approval committee member, go to the Approval Committee tab
  2. Enter the number of the recommendation in column A that correlates with the Details tab.
  3. Using the drop down, select the Committee Member
  4. Using the drop down, select Yes if this has been approved
  5. Type in the Comments
  6. Save the template

Entering data into the Approval Tab

If the company has set up an Approval Committee, an overall Approval is still needed. This is also used for an individual approval. The information will be entered on this tab for the Approval.

  1. To enter the Approval tab information, go to the Approval Tab
  2. Enter the number of the recommendation in column A that correlates with the Details tab.
  3. Enter the Target Approval Date
  4. Using the drop down, select the Assigned To
  5. Enter the Resolution - this field has a maximum of 1750 characters
  6. Enter the Justification - this field has a maximum of 1750 characters
  7. Using the drop down, select the Approval Status
  8. If the Approval Status is No Further Action, Refuted - Basis Incorrect or Denied , the user will need to add Closure Comments
  9. Using the drop down, select if the step is completed by selecting yes for the Complete Step field.
  10. Save the template

Entering data into the Action Tab

The user may often times need to assign a task or action to a person. The template will allow the action or task to be entered. The user will need to make sure the following steps are completed Details, Approval Committee (if used) and Approval prior to adding Actions.

  1. To add Actions to a recommendation, Go to the Action tab.
  2. Enter the number of the recommendation in column A that correlates with the Details tab.
  3. Enter the Description - this field has a maximum of 1750 characters
  4. Enter the Comments - this field has a maximum of 1750 characters
  5. Using the drop down, select the Assigned To
  6. Enter Target Date
  7. Using the drop down, select the Status (Open, Closed, Send for Verification, Abandon, Re-Open)
  8. Using the drop down, selection the Verified By
  9. Using the drop down, select the Closed By. If there is no selection in the Closed By, the application will checked the Assigned To for permissions. If the Assigned To doesn't have permissions, then the application will validate the Verified By. If the Closed By is left blank the application will display an error message when trying to upload.
  10. Enter the Close Date
  11. Using the drop down, select a Resolution. Not all companies use Resolution and the download template will only have Resolution on the template if there is a selection for the drop down.
  12. Enter the Action Cost
  13. Enter the Work Oder/CAR
  14. Enter the % Complete
  15. If the action is completed, use the drop down to select Yes
  16. Save the Template.

Entering data into the Action Step Tab

The Action Step is when the user has closed all actions and this will be the final step in closing a recommendation from a standard recommendation workflow in Resolution Tracker:

  1. Click on the Action Step tab
  2. Enter the number of the recommendation in column A that correlates with the Details tab.
  3. Using the drop down, select the Completed By
  4. Enter the Completed Date
  5. Save the template

Upload the Template

Once the Download Template is completed and saved. The user will want to upload the information into the database. Use the following steps to complete the upload:

  1. Navigate to Resolution Tracker
  2. Under Record Options, select Upload. A new window will open
  3. Select the Type - this is a required field
  4. Click on the button to upload the file - this is a required step. The file the user will upload is the Download Template that was filled in from the previous section of the Help Guide.
  5. Highlight the file and Click Open.

If there are any error, the errors will be displayed in the Validation Message Box.

The user will go back to the template fix any of the errors and upload again.

When the template is valid the user will see the following message displayed:

Records have been uploaded successfully.

It is highly recommended that the user not clear the rows, as there are hidden columns