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The Approval page is where the reviewers indicate their approval to implement the proposed change.

To assign the Approval Committee members, click on the Approval in the Workflow section. This will open the Approval page and will display the following:

  • Committee Members - the list of assigned members will be displayed in this field. If a default Committee was set in the Administration module those User would appear in the list.
  • The Member is a list of Users that have the role and security permissions for the location where the MOC resides.
  • Committee grid is where each member must sign off by checking the box.
  • Comments - each committee member can enter comments relative to approval or disapproval.
  • Target Approval Date - Enter the date the Review must be completed. If the Evaluation process in MOC is not completed by the Target Approval Date a past due email is generated by BadgerMail. Without a date being entered the assignment will not show on My Assignment and a BadgerMail will not be sent.
  • Resolution - enter any comments prior to change the Approval Status. The comments are entered by the Responsible Person assigned to the location and will be displayed on the MOC/REC Detailed Report.
  • Justification - Enter any comment in this field that will explain 'Why" the MOC/REC should either proceed or be denied. These will also be displayed in the Detailed Report.
  • Approval Status - the Responsible Person in the location can change the status of the MOC/REC once all Evaluation Checklist questions are closed and the Approval Committee has signed off on the MOC/REC. The following choices are available:
    • To Review - this is the initial status of the MOC/REC approval.
    • Approved - the Responsible Person in the location chooses this status when the Evaluation process is completed.
    • Denied after Review (MOC Only) and Denied (REC) - this status is chosen by the Responsible Person in the location after the Evaluation is completed and it is decided that the MOC/REC should not be implemented. Choosing this status closes the MOC/REC and it cannot be reopened.
    • No Further Action (REC Only) - Acceptable Risk.
    • Refuted (REC Only) – Basis incorrect.
    • Activate MOC (REC Only) - this status allows the approver to make a decision to allow the recommendation to be activated as an MOC and follow the MOC process.

Review Committee

If a Review Committee has been assigned to each MOC/REC, each member must approve the MOC/REC prior to the Responsible Person changing the status to ‘Approved’.

This committee may be a pre-determined group of Users who must approve all MOC/RECs assigned to a particular location, or it may be comprised of a selected group of employees who must approve this particular MOC/REC and can be created in the Administration Module. This will prevent the Responsible Person from having to assign the members to the Review Committee when the MOC/REC is in the Evaluation process. The system allows the User to add additional members to the Review Committee or remove existing Committee members for each MOC/REC.

If a default Review Committee has been created, the names of the Committee Members automatically appear in the Approval Team field. To assign additional Committee Members by these steps:

  1. Click on the Add Members button.
  2. A Window will popup. Click in the field and a list of users assigned to that location will appear The User can select more than one Approver. Highlight the member's name(s) and
  3. Click Add. The user(s) will be in the grid under the Committee Member.
  4. Add a target date for the approval.

To delete a member of the Committee

  1. Click on the Check box to the left of the Committee Member name,
  2. Click on Delete Member(s). The name(s) will be removed from the grid.
  3. Click Save

Only the assigned Review Committee Members may approve the MOC/REC. The Responsible Person in the location is not allowed to approve the MOC/REC for the Committee Member.

A BadgerMail is sent to each member of the Review Committee when assigned to the MOC. Assigning a Target Approval Date in the Overall triggers the BadgerMail

Approving the Change

After all Evaluation Items (MOC only) have been closed and the Review Committee Members have reviewed and approved the MOC/REC, the status of the MOC/REC must be changed to Approved to begin the Implementation process.

Approving by Committee

The Committee members will receive a BadgerMail to indicate that there is a task on My Assignments. The Review Committee members will navigate to Resolution Tracker.

  1. Click on the link "Committee Member"
  2. Click on the Check Box to approve. If the Committee Member does not approve do not check the box. Type in comments
  3. Click Save

Once all Review Committee Members have approved, the Responsible Person will add the following:

  • Resolution – Enter any appropriate information.
  • Justification – Enter appropriate justification.
  • Review Status – Choose ‘Approved’ by clicking on the down-arrow to the right of the field, If the MOC/REC is rejected by one of the above status', the Responsible Person will enter Closure Comments
  • Click Save
  • Click Complete Step

Approving by Individual

When no Review Committee is present the Responsible Person can Approve the MOC/REC by doing the following

  • Resolution – Enter any appropriate information.
  • Justification – Enter appropriate justification.
  • Review Status – Choose ‘Approved’ by clicking on the down-arrow to the right of the field, If the MOC/REC is rejected by one of the above status', the Responsible Person will enter Closure Comments
  • Click Save
  • Click Complete Step.

When the Complete Step is clicked, a check will be displayed in the Approval workflow and the User will be see the Action page open.

Denying a Change

If, after the ordering the Evaluation process, it is decided not to implement a MOC/REC, the Responsible Person or any Level 1 assigned to the Unit can deny the MOC/REC. If the MOC/REC is denied with open Evaluation Items, those items will automatically be closed and the following comment entered: “Closed when MOC Status changed to Denied After Review”. Any Review Committee Members who have not signed off on the MOC/REC will automatically be removed. This prevents any BadgerMail being delivered to any assignees of open items.

To change the status, click on the down-arrow to the right of the Review Status field. The user will be required to enter closure comments which would typically state the reason for denying. Click on the Save button to change the status of the MOC to ‘Change Request Denied’.

It is important to remember that the status of the MOC/REC cannot be changed back to a prior status.

Sending Record Back for Additional Information

At the approval step the user can send the record back for additional information or action to be completed. This is based on a security Token "Can Send Record Back". To send a record back for additional checklists items or actions follow these steps:

At the approval step, the record options will have "Send Back". Click Send Back.

  1. A window will open Send Work Request Back
  2. Using the drop down select the Send back to step (if this is the Approval step, the selection will be Evaluation or if this is at the Start up Approval step the choices will be Evaluation, Action or PSSR).
  3. If at the Start up Approval the user sends the record back to Evaluation, the user must close each step and go forward.
  4. Type in the Action or Question for the checklist
  5. Using the drop down select the Assigned To
  6. Enter the Target Date
  7. The user has the ability to require an attachment by checking the Is Attachment Required
  8. Click Save

If the user has the Can Send Record Back, they do not need the Reopen Step or Reopen Approval Step tokens.