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Search and Report

This section will discuss the different ways to Search and Report for MOCs and RECs.

Using the will open a search window for the User to have the ability to look for MOCs or RECs in any status. The search icon is available on any page in KMS.

When the User first click the search icon a window will be displayed with tabs for each module. The User will select the module to search.

Click on the Resolution Tracker tab. The available fields are Result Types and a button to open Advanced Search. Click on the Result Types to select. The types available are REC, MOC, Evaluation, Approval Committee, Action, and PSSR for the Resolution Tracker tab. The user can select multiple types for searching. Click Search. The result set will be returned in the grid beneath Advanced Search and the number of records returned will be in the lower right of the window.

The User can apply the Advanced Search feature to add additional filters to select criteria to narrow down the result set.

The additional filter are the following:

  • Initiator - the person who initiated the MOC or REC
  • Source - where the MOC or Recommendation comes from or the activities or groups that initiated the MOC or Recommendation, such as PSM Compliance Audit, Risk Assessor, Environmental Investigation, or Safety Suggestion.
  • Risk Ranking - this is a drop down list with the option to select a ranking type
  • Risk Level - this is the level of risk for example, tolerable, etc.
  • Category - defines the category of the MOC or Recommendation you are proposing. Examples are Equipment/Piping, Procedural, Software, and Technology.
  • Basis - why the MOC or Recommendation is being initiated. The reasons why can be numerous, i.e., Safety, Environmental, Health, Reliability, Compliance, or Public Relations.
  • Suggested Fix - the actions necessary to address the MOC or Recommendation, such as Training, Procedures, or Engineering Study.
  • Priority - the timing that the MOC or Recommendation must be addressed.
  • Equipment Type - used to describe and sort the various equipment used in each of the Locations
  • Equipment - the piece of equipment associated with the equipment type
  • Supervisors - the list of supervisors for that location
  • Synonym - what the location will be called
  • Date Range Type - Initiated, Closure, Target
  • Date Range From - from what date
  • Date Range To - to what date
  • Workflows - dependent on the Result Type and if the user has custom workflow it will include these
  • Confidential - the user must have confidential token in role based security to have the ability to view confidential records
  • Work Order # - the field is an alpha numeric field
  • Pre Startup - this is used for actions
  • Post Startup - this is used for actions
  • Temporary - is this a temporary MOC
  • Past Due - this will search for past the target date records
  • Include Child Locations
  • Include Closed Records - this will search for closed records

The user can put criteria in one or more of these fields to narrow the search. The returned results will be displayed in the grid beneath the Advanced Search.

If the user would like to narrow the field after the results, a filter is available in each of the columns with the exception of Type. Just click on the filter icon to set the filters.

By checking the box Include Closed Records, the search will take longer for results to be returned.

Select Columns

The user can add additional columns to the returned results and can also remove columns from the grid.

To add columns to the result grid:

  1. Click on the Select Columns icon. A window will open with the Available Columns and Selected Columns. The default is Reference ID, Title, Description, Location, Target Date, Assignee, Type and Status.
  2. Highlight the name(s) of the columns the user would like to show in the result grid from the Available Columns. To highlight multiples the user can use the Shift key if the names are all together or the user can use the Ctrl key to select individuals to make up the group of names.
  3. Use the right facing arrow to move the highlighted columns to the Selected Columns. To move all names to the Selected Columns use the double arrow facing right.
  4. The name(s) of the Available Columns will now be displayed under the Selected Columns.
  5. To reorder the columns use the up and down arrows. to right of the Selected Columns.
  6. Click OK. The window will close and the columns will be added and reordered.

If the user would like to reset the columns back to default, click the Reset to Default button.

The user can export the results to a .csv, .xml or .xls.

Saved Searches

Create a Saved Search Report

Each user can save their own saved searches. These searches cannot be shared or made public. These searches are for the individual user.

To create a Saved Search do the following:

  1. Click the Search icon
  2. Click on the Result Types (this is in Resolution Tracker only and is a required field) and select one or more result types
  3. Enter the search criteria in the Advanced Search
  4. Filter the Advanced Search to narrow down the search
  5. Click Search located at the upper right above the Advanced Search
  6. The Results will be returned in the grid
  7. Click the Save Search button located to the upper left next to the export icons.
  8. Enter the Name of the Report
  9. If the user has the permission the saved search can be made public.
  10. Click OK

To open the Saved Search the user will Click on Saved Searches located to the left of Administration.

Select Resolution Tracker and click on the name of the report.

The report will be downloaded into the user Download Folder on C: drive or in IE 11 the user will be prompted to open or save and Chrome will display the file in the footer of the browser.


Do not use commas in the File Name of the Report.