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PSSR Checklist Items are also assigned to the MOC in the Administration Modules>Checklists>PSSR. To assign the PSSR Items to the MOC, click on the PSSR in the Workflow.

The list of available PSSR Templates is displayed on the left side of the window. A User with access rights creates the PSSR Templates and Checklist Items in the Administration Module. In addition to making the templates "Required", individual PSSR Checklists Items ‘Required’ and the Attachments can now be assigned as ‘Required’. This functionality is accessed in the Administration Module. The templates are also version controlled. If the User needs to add additional PSSR checklist items or if needed, a copy can be created for different locations.

The Templates can be assigned to a Category when they are created. The following rules apply for assignment of Templates:

  • VisiumKMS looks at the Category filter. If the Template and the MOC are assigned to the same Category, the Template is assigned to the MOC. If the MOC is not assigned a Category, all Templates, regardless of Category assignment, are assigned to the MOC. If the Template is not assigned a Category, it appears on all MOCs.
  • The next filter applied is the ‘Required’ at the Template level. If there is a Category match described above and the Template is marked as ‘Required’, it appears on the right side of the Create PSSR Items Window and is automatically assigned to the MOC.
  • If the Template is not marked as ‘Required’ and there is a Category match described above, it appears on the left side of the Create PSSR Items Window and is available for assignment, if applicable.
  • If the Required Template is assigned to the MOC, it automatically appears on the Selected Templates field that displays on the right side of the Create PSSR Items Window. Initially, at least one PSSR Template must be assigned to each MOC unless a Template is displayed in the Selected Templates field (which displays if a Required Template has been assigned to the MOC).

The Responsible Person assigning the PSSR Templates to view the list of Checklist Items assigned to each Template. This option is only available once the PSSR Template appears in the list of Selected Templates.

Assigning PSSR items

The PSSR window will be displayed. The list of PSSR templates will be displayed for the user to select from the unused checklists. An unused checklist is a checklist that is available based on category but not yet assigned to the MOC. if the user neglects to assign a checklist, the mass assign and mass date assign are available. The checklist will also have the ability to mass close by all checklists or by checklist. This is by permissions assigned to the role. Checklist templates that are required for the category or categories selected in the proposal step will be displayed and ready to assign.

To select an available checklist:

  1. Click on the available checklist that has not been assigned to the MOC to highlight the checklist.
  2. Click on the arrow facing to the right
  3. The checklist will be displayed in the grid

The Responsible Person can select to assign all templates to a person or assign by template to individual persons by the following steps:

  1. If the responsible person will be assigning all checklist(s), the user will first click on the check box to activate the Assign all to. Use the drop down to select the person that will answer the evaluation questions. If the responsible person want to assign by checklist, find the checklist in the grid and click the Selected Assigned To. Find the person to answer the evaluation questions and click on that name.
  2. In both instances All Evaluation checklists or individual checklist will need a target date. To enter the target date, the user can click on the graphical calendar or type in the date.
  3. To save the assignments and display the questions, click OK.

Once the checklist items are assigned the questions will show in a grid with the Checklist Title.

Clicking on the OK button opens the PSSR Items window, displaying all PSSR Templates and Checklist Items assigned to the MOC. All Closure Items are accessible by clicking on the Closure Items in the workflow. The Responsible Person assigned to the location must then choose the appropriate Checklist Items from the assigned PSSR Templates on both the PSSR and Closure Items Window(s).

The following fields are displayed on the PSSR and Closure Items Windows:

  • Is Required – When the Checklist Items are created, the User has the option of choosing whether or not the item must be addressed by Question and/or Attachment. If the Checklist Item was marked as ‘Required’, it must be assigned and closed for each applicable MOC. The Responsible Person or Actionee assigned to the Location is not allowed to remove any PSSR Checklist Item that is marked as ‘Required’ in the Administration Module. The default displays all PSSR Items as ‘Required’. To determine which PSSR Items must be addressed, the questions will be displayed in a bold font.
  • For Closure Items – The User can expand the question and select whether or not this is for Pre-Start up or Closure in the Workflow step drop down. If the Checklist Item was marked as ‘Closure Items’, it must be closed prior to start-up for each applicable MOC.
  • The drop down Workflow Step field list can increase based on the customer's workflow configuration. These examples are taking into consideration the standard MOC workflow.
  • Template Name – The Templates created in the Administration Module.
  • Question Text – The Checklist Items created in the Administration Module.
  • Comments – The assignee must enter comments when closing the PSSR Item.
  • Assigned To – Assigning all PSSR Checklist Items on the Select Checklists Window automatically populates this field. The field can also be populated on each individual PSSR Checklist Item. The list of Users represents Users assigned to the Location where the MOC resides. The Responsible Person or a User with appropriate roles and tokens in the location can change this assignment.
  • Target Date – The date by which the Item should be closed. This can be mass populated on the Select Checklists Window or assigned individually on the PSSR Window.
  • Close – The assignee clicks in this box below to close the assigned PSSR Item.
  • Attachments – The assignee can add attachments. If the attachment is required, the assignee cannot close the item until the attachment is created and saved.

Adding a User Defined PSSR Item

The following is how to add a new PSSR question:

  1. Click Add New Question below the Record Options.
  2. Question Text - Enter a detailed question of the PSSR Item.
  3. Assigned To - Choose the appropriate person who is responsible for closing the PSSR item from the drop down list. This represents the users available to do this task by Location.
  4. Target Date - Enter the date in which the PSSR item should be closed. If this date is not met, an email is generated by BadgerMail.
  5. Is Required - This will allow the User creating the question to define whether this is required and if an attachment is required.
  6. Click Save to add the question to the grid.
  7. Click Save under the Record Options to save to the database.

For all User Defined questions the only response available is a text response.

Closing a PSSR

Assignees can access their assigned PSSR or Closure Item by using one of three methods.

  1. Double clicking on the URL address in the BadgerMail received. This will open to the Resolution Tracker and the User can select the PSSR Items from the workflow.
  2. By clicking on the assignment in the My Assignments displayed on the Resolution Tracker Home Page.
  3. Selecting Search and Report on the Home Page (the magnifying glass icon). Once the MOC is displayed, click on the link under Reference ID to access the assignment.

To close an PSSR item, the User will go to the assigned question and can use the arrow facing right to expand the question details. There the User can add comments, decide if it is a Closure Item that can be done after implementation of the MOC and also attach documents or URLs. Once all PSSR Items are closed, the User will click the Complete Step.

  1. Expand the Question by clicking on the right facing arrow. The Question Details will open.
  2. Click on the Response. Based on the response type and answer the User may have additional questions to answer.
  3. Enter any comments for closure.
  4. The User can add documents, spreadsheets or URL as an attachment.
  5. Based on whether or not the PSSR item is prior to implementation or after implementation, the User can use the Workflow Step to select PSSR or Closure.
  6. Click on the Closed Checkbox or Mass Close the checklist.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Once all PSSR items have been closed the User will click the Complete Step.

Add Attachments to a PSSR Checklist Item

To add attachments to an item in the checklist, the user will click the Edit Attachments. An attachment window will open and the user can add documents, spreadsheets, presentations and pictures by doing the following:

  1. Enter the Attachment Name
  2. Select the file type. A URL will be used for web pages and File will be the documents. spreadsheets, etc.
  3. For file after selecting the radio for File click on the Select Files button a window will open to allow the user to browse and choose a file to upload.
  4. Using the drop down Select the Category of the record. The category is maintained in Administration>Selections>General>Attachment Category.
  5. Click the Add button to add the attachment to the grid.
  6. The grid will have information on the attachment such as name, location, category. The user can also download or view the attachment

To Edit the Attachment

  1. Click the Edit button
  2. Change the Attachment Name
  3. The user can change the Category
  4. Click the Update button

To delete the Attachment

To delete the attachment click on the X to the right of the Edit button.

Click the Done button to close the window.

The paperclip with have a number to the right to display the number of attachments on the PSSR checklist item.

The User will continue to close all evaluation questions. Once all evaluation questions are closed the Responsible Person can click on the Complete Step under the Record Options. The User will be taken to the Startup Approval Step in the work flow.