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Action and Post Startup Action

The Action Icon is activated once the Approval (Review) process is completed and the status of the MOC/REC is promoted to ‘Change Request Approved” or “Recommendation Approved”. Once a User clicks on the Action Screen for that MOC/REC the status changes to “In Progress”. Action Items are assigned to the MOC/REC while in the Implementation stage. To assign the Action Items, click on the Action Icon to access the Action Window.

Assignees can access their assigned Action Items in a MOC/REC using one of 3 methods:

By double-clicking on the URL address on the BadgerMail you receive. This opens the Resolution Tracker Module, with the appropriate Action Window displayed. If the user has an instance of the application open and clicks the link in the BadgerMail, the link will go to a landing page. This page will let the user know that the current instance will be replaced with the BadgerMail link instance. If the user has not saved their work and chooses to open the BadgerMail link instance, the work will be lost. By clicking on the assignment in My Assignments displayed on the Resolution Tracker Home Page or Switchboard. By logging into KMS and selecting Search & Report (based on permissions) on the Page Menu Bar on the Resolution Tracker Home Page. By selecting MOC/REC and Action Items on the Search Window. A list of Action Items that match your search criteria is displayed on the Search Results Window. Select the appropriate assignment by clicking on the underlined MOC/REC. The Pre- Start-up Action or Post-Start-up Action Window is displayed.

Adding Actions

When entering this screen for the first time on an MOC, there may be records showing due to actions created during the Evaluation step. To add a new Action do the following:

  1. Click Add New Action in the Record Options
  2. Description – Enter detailed information about the Action Item.
  3. Assigned To – Choose the applicable User from the drop-down list of Users. This list is a smart pick list – it displays only those Users assigned roles/tokens to add actions or close actions to the location where the MOC/REC resides. The User can easily assign Multiple Actions (same action to several users) by clicking on the Name. Each name will be added to the field. When step 7 is completed all actions will appear in the grid.
  4. Target Date – A date must be entered prior to saving the assignment of the Action Item. This field is used by BadgerMail to generate e-mails relative to the status of the item.
  5. Verified By – Users with appropriate security group access can be assigned Action Items; however, they cannot change the status to ‘Closed’. The only status available to Can Be Actionee Users is ‘Awaiting Verification’. Once the Can be Actionee User changes the status of the Action Item, the Responsible Person assigned to the Unit must verify that the work was done properly and close the Action Item.
  6. Click the Save button to add action to the record.
  7. Click Save in the Record Options to save all actions to the database.

Closing Actions

Assignees can access their assigned Action Items using one of 3 methods:

  1. By double-clicking on the URL address on the BadgerMail you receive. This opens the Resolution Tracker Module, with the Action Window displayed.
  2. By clicking on the Resolution Tracker and selecting the Actionee item from My Assignments.
  3. By selecting MOC/REC and Action Items on the Search Window. A list of Action Items that match your search criteria is displayed on the Search Results Window. Select the appropriate assignment by clicking on the row. The Action Window is displayed.

To set target dates for actions the user can:

  1. Click in the Target Date of a specific action
  2. Select the Assign date to Set all unassigned target dates
  3. Select the edit all assigned target dates

To close an action the user will:

  1. Click on the Action in the workflow
  2. Using the plus (+) to the left of the ID number click it into the down position. This opens a window for additional information that will be needed.
  3. Add any comments to the closure item. The Assignee must enter comments relative to closing the Action Item. This is a required field when closing the Action Item.
  4. Ensure the correct Verified by is in the field. Users that do not have the permissions to close will use the statue "Send for Verification".
  • Resolution- The user will select from the drop down list.
  • Action Cost ($) – This is an optional field used to enter applicable information.
  • Work Order Number – This is an optional field to enter your site’s corresponding Work Order Number. At the present time, it has no function in the Recommended Actions Module of Resolution Tracker.
  • % Complete- Users can update progress on their assignment, the user will type a 1 for 100% or a .25 for 25% as a format.
  • Attachments – An attachment icon will be in the first column to the left of the Action ID. The paperclip with an asterisk means that an attachment is required. The papercip with a number is the number of attachments added to that Action.
  • Status- Used to indicate and change the status of Actions. The choices are dependent upon the Users permissions.
  • Closed - once the user saves the action it will be closed. To Reopen the action, the User must have the "Action-Set-Status-To-Reopen" token
  • Awaiting Verification - a My Assignment will show in the Verifier's Resolution Tracker My Assignments
  • Abandon
  • Deleted - Deleting an action will remove it completely from the record and the database.
  • Reopen - Used if an action is already in a closed state
  1. Action Description can be edited if the user has the appropriate permissions.
  2. Click Save to save the updated record to the database.

Adding Attachments to an Action

To add attachments to an, the user will click the Edit Attachments. An attachment window will open and the user can add documents, spreadsheets, presentations and pictures by doing the following:

  1. Enter the Attachment Name
  2. Select the file type. A URL will be used for web pages and File will be the documents. spreadsheets, etc.
  3. For file after selecting the radio for File click on the Select Files button a window will open to allow the user to browse and choose a file to upload.
  4. Using the drop down Select the Category of the record. The category is maintained in Administration>Selections>General>Attachment Category.
  5. Click the Add button to add the attachment to the grid. The grid will have information on the attachment such as name, location, category. The user can also download or view the attachment

To Edit the Attachment

  1. Click the Edit button
  2. Change the Attachment Name
  3. The user can change the Category
  4. Click the Update button
  5. To delete the attachment click on the X to the right of the Edit button.
  6. Click the Done button to close the window.


If the user has configured actions for auto-complete, the Complete Step icon will not be shown. Once the user has closed all of the actions and clicks Save, the step will automatically completed and move forward to the next workflow step.

Auto-complete is available for Actions, Post Startup Actions, Approval and Startup Approval. Administration>Workflows is where the autocomplete configuration is configured. For more information on Workflows go to Workflows.