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Temporary MOC

Temporary MOCs can be generated in the MOC Module of Resolution Tracker. The Initiator can choose to create the Temporary MOC at the time of proposal or the Responsible Person or a User with access rights in the Location can make the MOC temporary at any time prior to closure.

If the MOC is designated as a temporary MOC, a date must be entered in the Expiration Date and Termination Date fields. The following time line displays the four dates used by KMS for temporary MOCs and what each date represents in the life of the MOC:

Initiation Date

This represents the same date as a regular MOC.

Target Date

The Target Date is the date by which the Temporary Change is to take effect. When the User closes the auto generated Action(s), the status changes to ‘Ready for Startup’, signaling the appropriate personnel that the Temporary Change can be made. PSSR items that are not required for Startup can be closed after the Target Date, similar to the regular MOC.

Expiration Date

This date represents the date that the equipment/procedure must be changed from the Temporary Change state. It could mean the equipment was placed back to the original state or the equipment was shutdown. If the Temporary Change is still in effect after this date, the User would be out of compliance.

Termination Date

This date could be the same date as the Expiration Date. However, if the change is a physical change, it may be necessary to change the Termination Date later than the Expiration Date in order to give the personnel a chance to put the equipment back to its permanent state.

The Responsible Person or User with permissions can now extend the Expiration Date as many times as necessary. The Responsible Person needs to be aware of any guidelines the Company has as to how many times a Temporary MOC can be extended. To extend the Expiration Date, click in the Expiration Date field or on the Calendar Tool to the right of the field. The User will be required to enter a reason for extending the Expiration Date. If the MOC is not completed by the Expiration Date, it automatically expires by the last extension.

A BadgerMail is sent to the Responsible Person when a Temporary MOC is about to expire.

KMS allows the User to change a Temporary MOC back to a permanent MOC.

The Expiration Date of a Temporary MOC can now be extended as many times as necessary. As the Responsible Person, the user will need to be aware of any guidelines on extending Temporary MOCs that the User's company/location may have and ensure that those are not exceeded when making allowable extensions.