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Evaluation Checklist

Users with the permissions will create the templates and checklist items in the Administration Module.

Once the Proposal step has been completed, the user will be moved forward in the work flow to Evaluation.

Evaluation Checklist Mass Assignments

The Evaluation window will be displayed. The list of Evaluation templates will be displayed for the user to select from the unused checklists. An unused checklist is a checklist that is available based on category but not yet assigned to the MOC. Checklist templates that are required for the category or categories selected in the proposal step will be displayed and ready to assign.

To select an available checklist:

  1. Click on the available checklist that has not been assigned to the MOC to highlight the checklist.
  2. Click on the arrow facing to the right
  3. The checklist will be displayed in the grid
  4. The Responsible Person can select to assign all templates to a person or assign by template to individual persons by the following steps:
  • If the responsible person will be assigning all checklists, the user will first click on the check box to activate the Assign all to. - Use the drop down to select the person that will answer the evaluation questions. If the responsible person want to assign by checklist, find the checklist in the grid and click the Selected Assigned To. Find the person to answer the evaluation questions and click on that name.

  • In both instances All Evaluation checklists or individual checklist will need a target date. To enter the target date, the user can click on the graphical calendar or type in the date.

  • To save the assignments and display the questions, click OK.

  • If the user neglects or forgets to add an assignee or date to the checklist, the user can mass assign on each checklist in the Evaluation step by clicking on this iconor this icon.

The persons that were assigned evaluation questions will get an email notification that an assignment is due. When opened the evaluation step in the work flow will display a list of questions.

Adding a User Defined Question to an Evaluation

To add a User question to an evaluation work flow follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Add New Question. A window will open.
  2. Add the Question Text.
  3. Using the Drop down, select the person the evaluation question will answer.
  4. Enter the Target Date
  5. The user has the ability to require the Question and to require an Attachment to the evaluation question.
  6. Click Save to add the question to the grid. The user defined question will be at the end of the grid.

Tracker Required Attachments, Default Actions not Assigned and Assigned

Indicator icons will be displayed in the first column to notate if a default action is in the question and if attachments are required.

  • Paperclip with Asterisk: This denotes that an attachment is required
  • Paperclip with Number: This tells the user the number of attachments
  • Single Chevron >: This lets the user know that a default action is available to the question. The Number indicates the number of actions associated.
  • Double Chevron >>: This lets the user know that the an action has been assigned.
  • Comment Balloon: This lets the user know that there are comments on an item.
  • Red Caret - Based on a response to a question the action will automatically be assigned to a specified step in the workflow.
  • Yellow Star - Based on a response a split workflow will be triggered.

If the evaluation question is in a bold font, the question is required.

Evaluation Questions Expanding Details

The User can expand any question by clicking the plus sign that is left of the Question ID. This will expand the Evaluation Question Details.

The User can also use the Expand All button (the plus sign icon), Collapse All button (the minus sign icon) or the Filter which allows the user to Show Only My Open Assignments or Show All Open Assignments at the right of the export icons.

In the details the User can add comments, can action an items, can assign an action and write what action is to be completed. The user can also add attachments.

Closing Evaluation Questions

Once all the templates are assigned and a target date is set, a notification will go to the User and the assignment will be on the My Assignment on the Tracker home page.

Assignees will access their assigned Evaluation Checklist Items using one of four methods:

  1. By double-clicking on the URL address on the BadgerMail received. This opens the Resolution Tracker Module, with the Evaluation Window displayed.
  2. By clicking on the assignment in the Assigned Items Report displayed on the Resolution Tracker Home Page.
  3. By logging into KMS and selecting Search & Report (based on permissions) on the Page Menu Bar on the Resolution Tracker Home Page. Once the appropriate MOC is accessed, click on the Evaluation Icon to access the assignment.
  4. By selecting MOC and Evaluation on the Search Window. A list of Evaluation Items that match the search criteria is displayed on the Search Results Window. Select the appropriate assignment by clicking on the row. The Evaluation Window is displayed.

To close an evaluation question, the User will go to the assigned question and can use the arrow facing right to expand the question details. There the User can add comments, action an item to be either action or post startup action, set the assignee, set the target date, and give the action text. The user may also attach documents or URLs. The user also has the option to Mass Close questions if congured. See Administration>Workflows for more information.

  1. The User will respond to the question. The response could be:
  • Yes/No
  • Radio Button (Toggle On/Off)
  • Drop Down Pick list
  • Check Box for multi select options
  • Text box. If the User selects a text box response, the smart checklist option will not be available.
  1. Enter any Comments
  2. Select whether the Actioned is: Action or Post Startup if creating a new action

If the Action is predefined (created in the checklist under administration and has action text. Ensure that it goes to a step and has an assignee.

  1. Add or edit the target date for the Action
  2. Assign the Action to a user
  3. Enter or modify the Action Text
  4. Add any attachments
  5. Add any additional Actions
  6. Move Action up or down
  7. Click Save
  8. Check the close or mass close.

If the user has predefined actions, the user will get an error message and will have to uncheck the close checkbox and Save.

Add Attachments to an Evaluation Checklist Question

To add attachments to a question in the checklist, the user will click the Edit Attachments. An attachment window will open and the user can add documents, spreadsheets, presentations and pictures by doing the following:

  1. Enter the Attachment Name
  2. Select the file type. A URL will be used for web pages and File will be the documents. spreadsheets, etc.
  3. For file after selecting the radio for File click on the Select Files button a window will open to allow the user to browse and choose a file to upload.
  4. Using the drop down Select the Category of the record. The category is maintained in Administration>Selections>General>Attachment Category.
  5. Click the Add button to add the attachment to the grid.
  6. The grid will have information on the attachment such as name, location, category. The user can also download or view the attachment

To Edit the Attachment

  1. Click the Edit button
  2. Change the Attachment Name
  3. The user can change the Category
  4. Click the Update button

To Delete the Attachment

To delete the attachment click on the X to the right of the Edit button.

Click the Done button to close the window.

The User will continue to close all evaluation questions. Once all evaluation questions are closed the Responsible Person can click on the Complete Step under the Record Options. The User will be taken to the Approval Step in the work flow.