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Team Members

The audit can either be approved or in draft format to add team members. Team members are persons who are associated to the location and are considered either a Subject Matter Expert, an Auditor (not the lead) and an Observer or Guide.

A Team Lead must be selected prior to completing this step.

Add Team Member

To add a team member to an audit, use the following instructions:

  1. Click on the tab Team Members. Notice that the default is the Lead Auditor and the Initiator.
  2. Click on Add Team Members, a list of team member will be displayed. Click on the team member to add (multiple can be selected)
  3. Click Add, the team members will be added to the grid
  4. Click Save, this will save the team members to the database.

Edit Team Members

To edit a team member:

  1. Click on the Team Member tab
  2. Select the team member to edit and click the edit icon located to the right of the Role Column
  3. The user will be taken into the Role field, type the Role that the team member will have
  4. Click Update

Delete Team Members

To delete or remove team members from an audit, follows these instructions

  1. Click on the Team Members tab
  2. Select the team member to remove, click the Delete button

A confirmation message will be displayed. Click OK to proceed with removing the team member from the audit.