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Export Recommendations

The auditor has completed conducting the audit, with findings and recommendations. The auditor will need to export these recommendations to resolution tracker to follow.

To export use this method:

  1. Navigate to Auditor and select the audit.
  2. Click Recommended Actions tab. The user will be presented with a grid of recommendations.
  3. To export a recommendation, click the box to the left of the description. The Export to Tracker button will activate.
  4. Click the Export to Tracker button. An Export to Tracker window will open.
  5. Using the radio buttons select the Export To (required) - the choices are one tracker record or multiple tracker records (default)
  6. Use the radio buttons to select if one Tracker Record or Multiple Tracker Records will be exported.
  7. Select the location.
  8. Select the radio button for the type - MOC or REC.
  9. Select the Source associated to the recommended action(s).
  10. If the user has the permissions, the Auto Accept into Tracker is available. This will allow the tracker item to bypass the approval process to accept into tracker.
  11. Type in a Title
  12. Use the drop down to select a Responsible Person.
  13. Use the graphical calendar to select the Target Closure Date.
  14. With the drop down, select a Priority.
  15. Type in a Description of the recommended action.
  16. Type in a Justification for the recommended action.
  17. The user may select Basis.
  18. The user may select Suggested Fix.
  19. Once all of the information is entered, click OK. The window will close and the Reference ID column will display the REC ID number.

Delete Recommendations

Navigate to Auditor and select the audit.

  1. Click Recommended Actions tab. The user will be presented with a grid of recommendations.
  2. To export a recommendation, click the box to the left of the description. The Delete button will activate.
  3. Select the recommendation to delete and click the Delete button.
  4. A confirmation window will open, if the user wishes to continue deleting the recommendation click OK.