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There are times when attachments will be added to the record. For instance, an Audit Schedule for the Audit or evidence to show conformance or noncompliance will be needed to add to the audit record.

Add Attachments

To add an attachment:

  1. Click on the Attachments tab
  2. Enter an Attachment Name
  3. Using the radio buttons, select either URL or File
  4. If File was selected, click on Select Files. A window will open to let the user select the file to upload.
  5. Choose the file and click Open. The file will be displayed under the file field
  6. If a URL was selected, enter the URL address. (i.e.

It is advised that the user do not put a space prior to the URL address as this will cause an error.

To add category to attachment:

  1. Using the drop down, select the Category. Attachment categories are configured in the Administration>Selections.
  2. Click Add. The file or URL will be added to the grid and the column names will be Attachment Name, Location, Category and Edit and Delete buttons. There will also a column that the user can use the download link to view the file or view link to open the URL.

Edit Attachments

The user has the ability to edit the name of the attachment and the attachment category.

  1. Click on the Attachments tab
  2. Select the attachment to edit and click the edit button to the right of the category column
  3. Modify the fields - the only fields that are editable are the Attachment Name and the Category
  4. Click Update and the edits will be saved in the database

The user can easily go to either the previous or next attachment by using the buttons located under the Add Attachment header for Previous or Next

Delete Attachments

To delete an attachment:

  1. Click on the Attachments tab
  2. Select the attachment to delete and click the Delete button located right of the Edit button. A confirmation message will be displayed.
  3. If the user would like to proceed click OK. The attachment will be removed from the database.