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Create New Audit

To add a single audit to the database without using the Audit Plans, please do the following:

  1. Navigate to Auditor
  2. Select Create New, the Proposal window will be displayed
  3. Add the Title (required) - this should be a concise descriptive title
  4. Add the Prefix (required)- this is for traceability of the audit
  5. Using the drop down, select the Audit Type (required)
  6. Using the graphical calendar enter the Target Start Date (required) and the Target End Date (required)
  7. Select the Location (required) where the audit will be taking place - this can be edited throughout the audit until the final approval. The location details will be displayed in the View Report and Record Details.
  8. Select a Department
  9. If configured, the user can Risk Rank the audit. This is a mechanism to document how an audit is selected by risk.
  10. If this is a Must Do, click the Box
  11. Using the drop down, select a Lead Auditor. The Lead Auditor will be the main focal point in the audit.
  12. If known, use the drop down to select an Audit Sponsor
  13. Enter the Projected Man Days - how long is the audit projected to take
  14. Type in the Scope of the audit.
  15. Click Save. The audit details will save to the database and additional tabs will be highlighted to add Team Members, Attachments, Protocols, Recommended Actions.

At this time, the audit can be submitted for approval or the user can add additional details in the draft format.