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Once the audit has been conducted and the findings entered. The user go back to the audit in auditor to review the findings with the audit team to make determination on whether the finding is a non-compliance, opportunity for improvement or a best practice.

The findings will be under the finding column. The user does not know how many of the questions have findings. To help the user see the findings easily, a Findings Tab in Auditor is avialable.

Add Findings and Move to the Findings Tab

To see the findings in one central area follow these steps:

  1. Conduct Audit, adding findings to questions
  2. Click on the Audit Prefix: Title - this will take the user back to the Audit Details. The user will see the number of Findings raised during the audit on the tab.
  3. Click on the Findings Tab - the findings will be listed in a grid and the user can:
  4. Create Recommended Actions using the + button
  5. Link existing Recommended Actions to the Finding with the chain link icon
  6. Link additional questions to the Finding with the share icon
  7. Edit the Finding with the pencil icon
  8. Identify the root cause of the Finding with the magnifying glass icon

To create recommended actions from a Finding on the Findings Tab, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the + sign to the left of the recommended action column - a window will open Add Recommended Action
  2. Type in the Description of the Recommended Action
  3. Enter a Target Date
  4. Using the drop down, assign the recommended action
  5. Click Save - the window will close and the column recommended action will show 1 Recommended Action
  1. To create a recommended action from another recommended action click the Link icon

  2. Click the checkbox that the recommended action

  3. Click Save