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Module Overview

The Modules in VisiumKMS is Auditor, Investigator, OI&I (Occupational Illness and Injury), Recurring Activities, Resolution Tracker and Risk Assessor. While Administration and Risk Intelligence are not considered modules, they are found in the modules because Administration is where the user configures items that will be found in the above modules and Risk Intelligence uses the data from the modules to create charts/dashboards.

The Overview page compiles information from across VisiumKMS. The user can view the number of open, closed, past due and items initiated in the last 30 days in each of the VisiumKMS modules.

To access the Overview click on the KMS Overview icon in the upper right of the screen.

The Work Request Overview is a summary of all VisiumKMS modules. In the grid below, click on a row to drill down to that module. Use the Location field to filter by location or multiple locations. To see all locations, leave the field blank and click the refresh button.

When the user clicks on a row, that row name will appear in the "Details for: Name/Location bar above the chart. The user can continue to drill down in the facilities.

Resolution Tracker

The layout for Resolution Tracker is different, this guide will go over the new layout.

Record Options - contains the following:

  • Create New
  • Cancel
  • Save - The Save button will always be under the record options
  • Workflow - this is the most significant change for v12. The process icons across the top have been removed and replaced with the Workflow steps in the left pane.
  • Record Details - details of the current record including Reference ID of the REC/MOC, Location, Source, Status, Initiator, Initiation Date, Responsible Person, Target Start-up Date and Target Closure Date.
  • Tabs - this is also new to version 12. The user can still add attachments to the Details, Evaluation, Action, PSSR, Post Startup Actions and Closure Items. Those attachments will be listed under the Attachment tab on the Details page and beneath the column Step, will be information indicating where the attachment was added.


The Investigator page has been updated to allow more flexibility. If the user starts to create an incident and needs to leave VisiumKMS, the incident is placed in a state of Initiated (draft) until the user Submits for Approval.

The layout is much the same as Resolution Tracker with the Record Options, Record Details, Title of the Incident and Record Details.

Tabs (different tabs are configured to become active based on the selected Incident Type).

The difference is when the user starts an investigation. Once an investigation is started the "Incident Record" panel will collapse and the "Start Investigation" panel will expand. The user will always have access to the incident record.

When the user starts an investigation:

  • Additional tabs are available to store information from the incident;
  • The Workflow becomes active;
  • The Incident Status changes to In Process; and
  • The "Incident Record" becomes expandable and collapsible as does the Start Investigation panel.