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This section details the icons that are used throughout the application.


Home Icon

Go to the Home page.


KMS Overview

Go to the Overview page. The Overview shows assignments from all modules that are new, open, closed, and past due in a grid that can be exported in CSV, XML or XLS. It also contains drill-down charting.

Contact Services

Contact Icon

Contact either the implementation person or the administrator via email. This must be configured by the implementation team.


Help Icon

Open the on-line VisiumKMS Help Guide. The guide contains step-by-step instructions and a glossary of definitions for new features. It also provides links to applicable support and the KMS.

Search Icon

This icon now appears on every page in the on-line VisiumKMS Help Guide. The search and report functions are easier to use. The Results Types field can search multiple types and filter criteria allow for partial spelling.


Filter Icon

Filter the current grid. Found in all grids throughout VisiumKMS. Click to access to have parameters and operators searching that column.


About Icon

Display information about the VisiumKMS version.

Log out

Logout Icon

Log out of VisiumKMS.


Location Icon

Found in Administration>Locations. Indicates that the location has been set as a facility. The user must be assigned an Admin Security or Facility Admin token to see this icon.

Active Location

Active Location Icon

Found in Administration>Locations. Indicates that the location is active.


Export Icon

Export content to CSV, XML or XLS format (found throughout VisiumKMS and usually attached to grids. The user will click this icon to export the grid).


Edit Icon

Edit the current row (found in Administration>Locations).


Members Icon

Add Default Committee Members or Team Members (Auditor and PHA modules).


Equipment Icon

Add equipment (Resolution Tracker, Investigator or the Options Menu in Risk Assessor modules) to locations in Administration>Locations.


Persons Icon

Edit groups located in Administration>Persons.


Save Icon

Save changes (found under Record Options in all modules).

Detailed Report

Detailed Report

Opens a predefined report (found under Record Options in all the modules).


Submit Icon

Submit for Approval (Investigator module) or Submit for Acceptance (Resolution Tracker module).


Close Icon

Close an Incident (Investigator module).


Start Icon

Start an Investigation (Investigator module).

Complete Investigation

Complete Investigation

Complete a finished investigation (Investigator module).


Accept Icon

Allows the submitted MOCs/RECs to be accepted into the system. This will only be displayed if the user has the permissions to "Proposal-Accept".

Accept and Close

Accept and Close Icon

If the User initiates an MOC or REC, this user can accept it into the System and Close the record. Only available with the "Proposal-Accept" permission (Resolution Tracker module).

Accept and Continue

Accept and Continue

If the User initiates an MOC or REC, this will allow the user to Accept the record into the system and continue to the next step. Only available with the "Proposal-Accept" permission (Resolution Tracker module).


Complete Icon

The User may complete a step using the icon to the left if permissions of "Action-Complete-Step". "Approval-Complete-Step", or "Checklist-Complete-Step".

Activate MOC

Activate MOC

Activate MOC Process from a REC. Only available if the user has the "Can_Activate_Moc_From_Rec" permission.


Create Icon

Initiate an Incident or Create New (Resolution Tracker and Risk Assessor modules).


Cancel Icon

Do not continue.


Add Icon

Add a user defined question to checklists or add an action (Resolution Tracker module). Only available is user has the required permissions.

Select Checklist

Select Checklist

Select an available checklist that is not assigned. Only available if the user has the "Checklist-Select-Checklist" permission.