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Login into VisiumKMS

The user will receive notification containing the VisiumKMS user name and initial password.

The organization may use a configurable feature to have the users' change passwords every 30, 60, 90 days and may enforce passwords to be a number of characters with uppercase, lowercase, number and special characters.

The organization may also want a message configured on the log in screen.

Open a web browser and enter the URL into the address bar. Depending on how the company has been set up, the user will either be taken to either a log-in page or directly to the Home page.

  1. When the log-in page opens, enter the VisiumKMS user name and password.
  2. Click Submit.

See Resetting Password for more information on forgot password.

Reset Password

VisiumKMS provides a password reset should the user forgets their password. The password supplied is random and can be changed the next time logging into VisiumKMS.

The password is case sensitive and is sent to the user via e-mail. Use the followings steps when forgetting the password:

  1. Click on Forgot Password link.
  2. A window will open called Reset Password. Enter Username. This is the name that logs into VisiumKMS.
  3. Enter the e-mail address to send the new password generated
  4. Click Submit

The user will receive an e-mail with the temporary password. It is highly recommended that when the user logs in with the temporary password to go to the Account Details and reset the password.

Password Expiration

The user may log-in and password can be expired. The application will take them to a Reset Password window to update the password.

To reset the password follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Original Password
  2. Enter the New Password following the configurable number of characters, uppercase, lowercase, number and special character.
  3. Enter the Confirm New Password
  4. Click Submit

The user may not reuse the original password. The application will validate password use.

Login Message

The organization may choose to have message on the log in screen. Only those with Admin security permissions may perform this task.

To add a message to the log in screen, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration>Resources
  2. Using the drop down select KMS.Portal.Globalization.Resources.Resources
  3. Go to column Resource Key MsgLoginMessage. The Original Value will be blank.
  4. Type in the message desired into the Customized Display Value.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Log out, the Log In screen will be available and the message will be at the bottom.