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To create or add a new illness or injury, the user will navigate to Investigator. The user will be presented with a grid of My Assignments.

  1. Once the user selects the incident from the grid, the user will be taken to the details screen. The incident type must have been configured for the Injury & Illness tab. The user will click on the Injury & Illness tab.
  2. Select the radio button to select an existing person or to enter a new person.
  • To select existing person, use the drop down and select a name
  • To enter a new person
    • Type in the First Name
    • Type in the Last Name
    • Type in the Job Title

The user can select either Existing Person or New Person. 3. Enter the Injury Details. There is a spell checker to the left of the field. 4. Enter the Treatment Description. There is a spell checker to the left of the field. 5. If this is a Privacy Case, check the box. Only Users that have the OII-Privacy-Case. 6. Click the Add button. 7. The OII Case Number will be added to the grid and a link will be available to go to the record to add additional information. Click on the link in the case number column.

OII Add Event Details

To add details to the OII, the user will access OII by using either the OII Module or the Investigator Injury/Illness tab. Select the Case Number to add details to by clicking on the link (see step 7 above).

  1. The OII Details page will open and the user will be taken to the Event Details.
  2. Using the graphical calendar, select the date and time the event took place.
  3. Using the graphical calendar, select the date and time the work day began(*). This must be filled in prior to checklist tab being answered.
  4. Using the drop down, select the OSHA Recordable(*) type. This must be filled in prior to checklist tab being answered.
  5. Using the drop down, select the Internal Classification. The Internal Classification is configured in the Administration>Selection
  6. Select the Weather Conditions. This is set up in the Administration module under Selections>General
  7. Select the Injury Type. This will be populated with the Injury Types from the OSHA 300 Log.
  8. The Location(*) is populated from the Incident Details.
  9. Type in the Event Location (*) - this could be a department, road, office area, etc. This must be filled in prior to checklist tab being answered.
  10. Enter the Date and number of days
  • If a death has occurred, enter the date and time of death
  • If the employee has transferred, using the graphical calendar select the Permanent Transfer Date
  • If there were any lost day, enter the Lost Work Days Begin Date.
  • When the employee is back at work, enter the Lost Work Days End Date
  • Enter a numeric value for Total Estimated Lost Work Days
  • Enter a numeric value for Total Actual Lost Work Days
  • If there was restricted duty (employee is limited to time, weight restrictions, etc.), using the graphical calendar enter the Restricted Duty Begin Date
  • When the restrictive duty is over, using the graphical calendar select the Restricted Duty End Date
  • Using a numeric value, enter the Total Estimated Restricted Days
  • Using a numeric value, enter the Total Actual Restricted Days
  • Using the graphical calendar, select the Termination Date

OII Edit Event Details

To edit details to the OII, the user will access OII by using either the OII Module or the Investigator Injury/Illness tab. Select the Case Number to add details to by clicking on the link (see step 7 above). Make any modifications. The page will automatically save and no confirmation will be displayed.

OII Add Event Description

The event description is a series of questions that will transition easily into the OSHA Form 301 Injuries and Illnesses Incident Report.

To add event description to the OII, the user will access OII by using either the OII Module or the Investigator Injury/Illness tab. Select the Case Number to add details to by clicking on the link (see step 7 above).

  1. Click on the Event Description tab.
  2. The page will be displayed with questions that are found on the OSHA's Form 301, answer each question.
  3. If the user misspells or would like to check the spelling there is an ABC button to the left of the text box. The user will click the button and the spell check window will open offering suggestions for spellings.
  4. Once the spell check is complete the user will select OK. The window will close.

When user exports the Form 300/300A the columns will be formatted per OSHA requirements. The user must then decide to modify wording or to leave as is. Please refer to any OSHA requirements for the Form 300/300A.

OII Edit Event Description

To edit description to the OII, the user will access OII by using either the OII Module or the Investigator Injury/Illness tab. Select the Case Number to add event description to by clicking on the link (see step 7 above). Make any modifications. The page will automatically save and no confirmation will be displayed.

OII Add Treatment

The Treatment tab allows the user to record information regarding the treatment of the injured person. Information can be entered using one of two methods. The first method is using the predefined library for Treatment Providers that is configured in the Administration Module. The second is to enter the information into the fields as a Custom entry. If the user enters the information into the Custom and saves the data, it will not be stored in the library for future use in the Treatment tab. The information generated here will be displayed in the OSHA Form 301.

Navigate to the OII module and select an OII case from the grid. To add Treatment follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Treatment tab
  2. To the right of the Health Care Provider, click the Edit button. A window will open.
  3. Select from the radio buttons
  4. Select Existing - this will filter all provider types with Health Care Provider from the predefined library that was configured in the Administration Module.
  5. Enter Custom - this enter information on the health care provider and will not be stored in the library.
  6. Type in the Name(*)
  7. Enter the Address Line 1 information
  8. Enter the Address Line 2 information
  9. Enter the City
  10. Enter the State/Province/Region
  11. Enter the Zip/Postal Code
  12. Enter the Country
  13. Enter the phone number
  14. Click OK. The window will close and the information entered will be in the Health Provider Field.

To add the Physician and the Off Site Facility follow the directions above.

To add the Treatment Information, follow these steps:

  1. Was the employee treated in the emergency room? Check the box if the employee was treated in an emergency room.
  2. Was the employee hospitalized overnight as an inpatient? Check the box if this is Yes.
  3. Onsite First Aid Treatment Given By field - this field will be populated by those individuals that have the token OII-Can-Give-First-Aid. Using the drop down, select the person that gave the first aid treatment.
  4. Using the graphical calendar, select the Onsite Treatment Date.
  5. Enter the description of the Onsite Treatment Description. There is a spell check button to the left of the field to allow the user to use the spell check function.

When user exports the Form 301 the columns will be formatted per OSHA requirements. The user must then decide to modify wording or to leave as is. Please refer to any OSHA requirements for the Form 301.

Edit OII Treatment

To edit the treatment to the OII, the user will access OII by using either the OII Module or the Investigator Injury/Illness tab. Select the Case Number to add event description to by clicking on the link (see step 7 above). Make any modifications. The page will automatically save and no confirmation will be displayed.

OII Checklist

There may be other questions that the company may want to answer that are not on the 301 Report, but may get to the root cause of the injury/illness. These questions can be configured in the Administration module under Checklists. The user will access these questions in the OII module under the tab Checklists.

The user must configure the checklist and questions prior to the OII case is opened. If the user configures a checklist after the OII case is opened the checklist will not be displayed.

Navigate to the OII module and select an OII case from the grid. To answer Checklist questions follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Checklist tab
  2. Answer the questions. Depending on the Answers for the questions in the checklist there may be additional child questions to answer.
  3. Click Save. The record will save and potentially more questions will be displayed.

The user must fill in the required fields in Event Details for the child questions display.