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Accessing OII

To access OII, select the OII module from the Switchboard by clicking on the module name or from the Modules drop down, select OII.

A list of OII case number and the associated Incident reference numbers will be displayed in the OII Browser to the user.

The user can also access the OII Module by clicking on the Injury/Illness tab in Investigator. The user can select the OII Case Number by clicking on the link that is associated with the name of the injured person.

The user must have the security tokens as OII-User and if the user can view a privacy case OII-Privacy-Case. Also available in the OII security tokens is OII-Can-Give-First-Aid token. This can be used if there are more than one person that can give first aid to an injured person.

OII Browser

The OII Browser display a list of current personal injury cases, showing the Incident Number and the OII Case Number, Name of the injured, the Location, the Event date and the Injury description.

The Filter to the right of the OII Browser allows the user to filter by year and location.