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Add Event

To enter Recurring Activities the following will need to be configured in Administration prior to using:

  • Category
  • Checklist
  • Regulation

Add a Recurring Activity

Navigate to the Modules > Recurring Activities, the user will be presented with a My Assignments page.


The User must have the following permissions to schedule and close a recurring activity. RACT-Schedule-Activity and RACT-Reassign-Occurrence.

  1. Under Record Options, click the Scheduler, a window will open showing the current week by default
  2. The header of the age will display a Today button with left facing and right facing arrows. These arrows will increase the date if the right facing arrow is clicked or decrease the date if the left facing arrow is clicked.
  3. Also in the header of the page will be the following buttons:
  • Day - this is a daily schedule
  • Week (default) - showing a week worth of tasks
  • Month - this will show all tasks for a month
  • Agenda - the agenda will show a the following week summary of tasks
  1. The user will either click on the all-day section below the date or can click a time section
  2. A window will open to add the event details. Enter the Title
  3. The Start Date will display the date and time selected from the weekly schedule, enter the start and end date
  4. If this is an all-day event check the box, this will change the user date / time to just a date.
  5. Use the drop down to select the recurrence:
  • Never - one time only
  • Daily - needed on a daily basis, repeat can be daily, repeat every enter a numeric value, end can be never, after number of occurrences or a date value
  • Weekly - weekly can be chosen and the user will get multiple repeat enter numeric value, then choose repeat every numeric value for weeks, repeat on select a day of the week, end can be never, after so many occurrences or a date value
  • Monthly - monthly can be chosen and the user will get to configure the repeat every numeric value, repeat on can be a day or choice of week first, second, third, fourth, last and day of the week, end can be never, after number of occurrences or a date value
  • Yearly - yearly can be chosen and the use can configure to repeat every numeric value, the repeat on will be Month and day or weekly first, second, third, fourth or last and day of the week of month end can be never, after number of occurrences or a date value
  1. Enter a description of the task

  2. Enter the location (only one location can be selected)

  3. Use the drop down to select the responsible person Assigned To

  4. Use the drop down to select the checklist

  5. Use the drop down to select the category

  6. Select the Regulations - multiples may be selected

  7. Click the Save button. The window will close and the task will be in the schedule and the assignee will the tasks in My Assignments.